Thread 'Where are versions other than 4.45? Where are they?'

Message boards : BOINC Manager : Where are versions other than 4.45? Where are they?
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Tom Longman

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Joined: 3 Sep 05
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Message 119 - Posted: 3 Sep 2005, 3:48:58 UTC

I loved the idea of Einstein@Home. I was a subscriber to the old SETI@home for a long time, but never with BOINC. Anyway, I have downloaded and installed the released 4.45 version. I had a lot of trouble trying to get it to download work, but I finally mushed through it until something worked. However, on checking it today, it had no work and I cannot find out how to make it get more work. It shows no active projects; in fact, if I do an "add project" and then enter the URL and key, nothing happens at all. When the main BOINC page is up, the only thing I'm allowed to do on the left-side menu is "Attach to new Project"; all other buttons are grayed out.

Anyway, I'm hoping that later versions, say 4.72 or 5.01 that I've read about will solve these problems. Unfortunately, I cannot find the location where I might obtain the trial/beta versions in order to download and try them out. If I can't get a new version that works, I'll just pull out of Einstein@home and wait until BOINC gets better, as I've already put in 2-3 hours trying to get BOINC to work.

You may email a direct reply to me at

Thanks, Tom

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Gary Roberts

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Message 166 - Posted: 7 Sep 2005, 10:07:24 UTC - in response to Message 119.  

I loved the idea of Einstein@Home. I was a subscriber to the old SETI@home for a long time, but never with BOINC. Anyway, I have downloaded and installed the released 4.45 version. I had a lot of trouble trying to get it to download work, but I finally mushed through it until something worked ....

Hi Tom,

Can we assume that the above means that you not only got BOINC running but that you were able to attach to EAH and start processing work there? Then, for no apparent reason, and with no intervention by yourself, the work you were crunching all suddenly disappeared and you found that you were not even attached to the project any more?

For others to be able to help, you will really need to give more details. I've already checked over at EAH and there is no record of a user called "Tom Longman" so your userID or cpuID over there would be helpful to let us see what has been happening. The combination of BOINC4.45/EAH works fine and with EAH being such a reliable project, I'm quite surprised that you are having any issues. I'm assuming you aren't running any other project other than EAH? There may be some issues if you have been running Seti during the recent outages but not ones that would cause you to become completely detached.

Anyway, I'm hoping that later versions, say 4.72 or 5.01 that I've read about will solve these problems. Unfortunately, I cannot find the location where I might obtain the trial/beta versions in order to download and try them out. If I can't get a new version that works, I'll just pull out of Einstein@home and wait until BOINC gets better, as I've already put in 2-3 hours trying to get BOINC to work.

These versions are <b>not</b> really designed for public release yet and will <b>not</b> really make it any easier to get EAH running as a single project. 4.72 has some fixes in the scheduler which may assist when running multiple projects, however. If you are really determined to go that route, just hover your mouse over the "download" link for 4.45 and note the URL. Just change "4.45" to "4.72" and you will be able to download that <b>alpha</b> version. Use at your own risk!!

If you care to answer the above questions and are prepared to persevere a little more, I'm sure you will be able to get EAH running flawlessly on 4.45. Thousands of others are doing that right now.

ID: 166 · Report as offensive

Message boards : BOINC Manager : Where are versions other than 4.45? Where are they?

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