Message boards : BOINC Manager : boinc_6.2.18_macOSX_universal on 10.5 ... DONT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Send message Joined: 8 May 07 Posts: 15 |
Did ANYONE test 6.2.18 on 10.5? NONE of the BoincManager installers will run on 10.5 (tested on three different installations) installers die trying to set permissions. I've tried everything I know [even going to the CLI to try and 'fix' permissions] and can't get a working boinc; not even a cli version. Unfortunately I only backed up the Data folder not the Application [wouldn't have helped any way, coping or archiving the Application changes permissions] ANYONE have any ideas?? Russell |
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Hi Russell, I sent off your question to the developer. Here's what he answered me. Charlie Fenton wrote: I would say 80% to 90% of BOINC Mac users and alpha testers are using OS 10.5, and have not reported these problems with the installer. I run OS 10.5 and do all my development and 98% of my testing on OS 10.5. Of course, I also test each released installer on OS 10.4.11 and OS 10.3.9. So could you please try that script and report back? With thanks. |
Send message Joined: 5 Oct 06 Posts: 5148 ![]() |
There were a couple of posts on Einstein this evening - before it went off the air - suggesting: (a) Problems were starting to appear with Mac OS X science applications (b) There was the hint of a possibility that a Mac OS patch update might be implicated. I don't have a Mac, so can't assist from personal experience, but it might be something to keep an eye on. |
![]() Send message Joined: 29 Aug 05 Posts: 15599 ![]() |
I did ask Charlie about that at the same time, he did answer to me on that as well. It's unrelated to the problem Russell has about not being able to install BOINC6.2.18 The problem at Einstein is being looked into, it has to do with the application being incompatible (for reasons as yet unknown) with Darwin 9.5.0 |
Send message Joined: 8 May 07 Posts: 15 |
Hi Russell, Tried that first; Boinc Manager still says "BOINC owenership or permission are not set properly; please reinstall BOINC" BOINC CLI version says that permission are not correct for sandbox exicution even after running '' Russell |
Send message Joined: 8 May 07 Posts: 15 |
Ageless; Could you ask the developer [Charlie Fenton?], if he could email me a list of what the ownership(s)/permission(s) are SUPPOSED to be [to RussellMcGaha at Mac dot com]? That way I could check to see what is set wrong and try to correct it. BTW all of the afflicted Mac's were/are on 10.5.4 TIA [Mostly over his frustration] Russell Also the Installer was dying in the BOINC section trying to set permissions/ownership. The BOINC section of the installer would become unresponsive and need to be Forced Quit, before the installer would continue. |
![]() Send message Joined: 29 Aug 05 Posts: 15599 ![]() |
I have forwarded the information to Charlie. I'm sure he'll contact you personally. Let me know what it was when you know it. :-) |
Send message Joined: 8 May 07 Posts: 15 |
Ageless; Since Charlie hasn't emailed me yet; here are the text to part of the error dialogs to forward to him; These occur in what the Dock shows as PostInstall, but Force Quit shows as BOINC [you have to wait a LONG time to get these dialogs]. ["/bin/chmod u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx /Library/Application Support/BOINC Data/Slots/534 " Failed error -60031 ] ["/bin/chmod u=rx,g=rsx,o=rx /Applications/" failed error -60031] ["/bin/chmod -R u+r-w,g+r-w,o+r-w /Applications/" failed error -60031 ] this one repeated at least three times [I Forced Quit it after three]. Russell |
Send message Joined: 17 Jul 06 Posts: 287 ![]() |
Ageless; Apple's source code gives the following information for error -60031: errAuthorizationToolExecuteFailure = -60031, /* The specified program could not be executed. */ You might check to make sure that the chmod command-line executable works properly. You can try typing the following in Terminal /bin/chmod and if it is OK you should get a couple of lines showing its usage. I'm also surprised that you would have a .../BOINC Data/Slots/534 directory. The slot directories are numbered starting with 0, 1, 2, etc. and are reused when the task they contain finishes. There is also code which is supposed to clean up and delete slots if they couldn't be reused. 534 is a rather high number for a slot directory. Could you ask the developer [Charlie Fenton?], if he could email me a list of what the ownership(s)/permission(s) are SUPPOSED to be [to RussellMcGaha at Mac dot com]? That way I could check to see what is set wrong and try to correct it. There is a link to this information in the ReadMe.rtf file supplied with the Mac installer: For technical details of the implementation, please see [url=][/url] and [url=][/url] I hope this helps. Charlie Fenton BOINC / SETI@home Macintosh & Windows Programmer |
Send message Joined: 8 May 07 Posts: 15 |
Ageless; Charlie; I can chmod on the CLI just fine, I can do the erroring cmds verbatim with no problems. The PostInstall will NOT get past them though. My Slots actually go up to 634, for a total of about 540 slots, some of the folders are empty, should I delete those or leave them? I did not see that link in either of the Read Me's [I've been known to be blind]; I'l check it out and see if I can the darn things work. Russell |
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