Thread 'Wrong username'

Message boards : Questions and problems : Wrong username
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Message 19898 - Posted: 1 Sep 2008, 13:44:29 UTC

Hi, I have a boinc account called BlackLukeS (with the final "S" in capital letter) and I had 6 projects that I started writing my email and my password, and they were on the BlackLukeS account.
When I started spinhenge@home the account is BlackLukes and it is another account, even if I started with my email and password. Is there a way to unify the two accounts?
ID: 19898 · Report as offensive

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Message 19903 - Posted: 1 Sep 2008, 17:15:10 UTC - in response to Message 19902.  

Hi, I have a boinc account called BlackLukeS (with the final "S" in capital letter) and I had 6 projects that I started writing my email and my password, and they were on the BlackLukeS account.
When I started spinhenge@home the account is BlackLukes and it is another account, even if I started with my email and password. Is there a way to unify the two accounts?

There is no way that you can unify the two yourself. The project admins may be able to do it for you if you ask them nicely but don't count on it. They get too many such requests.

Ok thank you, I'll try
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Message 19904 - Posted: 1 Sep 2008, 17:18:20 UTC

I just looked up your account there, there is only one. So it doesn't need 'unifying' or merging (which is how I read it and I assume Dagorath read it, that you had two accounts that you wanted to merge, which isn't possible).

If you want to change your username then that's possible.
Go to your account at Spinhenge, Other account info and change your username. Save changes to the website. Update BOINC. Wait for it to propagate to the statistics sites.
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Message 19905 - Posted: 1 Sep 2008, 17:46:54 UTC - in response to Message 19904.  

I just looked up your account there, there is only one. So it doesn't need 'unifying' or merging (which is how I read it and I assume Dagorath read it, that you had two accounts that you wanted to merge, which isn't possible).

If you want to change your username then that's possible.
Go to your account at Spinhenge, Other account info and change your username. Save changes to the website. Update BOINC. Wait for it to propagate to the statistics sites.

Thank you, the admin of spinhenge@home changed the name, now it seems to be ok.
ID: 19905 · Report as offensive
The Uncle Bs

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Message 20358 - Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 10:43:05 UTC

I didn`t want to start a new thread, but my problem is a little bit similar. I joined Enigma on Sunday and after 3 days my accounts didn`t synchronize. I posted in the Enigma forums 2 days ago with no responce. My Cross-Project ID is different than my main ID. Is there a way to link the Enigma ID? Or is this a Enigma admin. thing only. Nothing was changed for my Enigma account info., same email/password as my other Boinc project accounts. TIA.
ID: 20358 · Report as offensive
ProfileGundolf Jahn

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Message 20359 - Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 10:58:09 UTC - in response to Message 20358.  

I didn`t want to start a new thread, but my problem is a little bit similar. I joined Enigma on Sunday and after 3 days my accounts didn`t synchronize. I posted in the Enigma forums 2 days ago with no responce. My Cross-Project ID is different than my main ID. Is there a way to link the Enigma ID? Or is this a Enigma admin. thing only. Nothing was changed for my Enigma account info., same email/password as my other Boinc project accounts. TIA.

Excerpt from the FAQ on BoincStats:
Why do I have duplicate/split accounts in the BOINC combined stats?

The cause of this is the CPID, Cross Project IDentifier. Every project assigns a new user a CPID. It is partly based on the email address you used to sign up, the other part is random.
The CPID is used by BOINCstats to identify a user across projects.
Whenever you sign up with a new project, you'll get a new account on BOINCstats because the CPID is new.

What to do to make sure you'll end up with one BOINCstats account:
Use the exact same email address for every project.
Run at least one system with all projects, or one system with project A and B, and one system with project B and C. If there is a project that runs isolated from the other projects, it's CPID with never line up.
When you join a new project, this project assigns you a new CPID. This CPID can either change to the same CPID as the other projects, or the other projects change (one by one) to the new CPID.

It is impossible for me to manually edit your accounts to create one account. It would take to much time to do this for everyone. Just wait a while, and your accounts will line up automatically.

One last thing, which is not too important, but nice for the stats: use the same username across projects, otherwise you get a username like 'Al Bundy @ SAH / Al Bundy @ Predictor / A. Bundy @ CPDN'.

Computer sind nicht alles im Leben. (Kleiner Scherz)
ID: 20359 · Report as offensive
The Uncle Bs

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Message 20360 - Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 11:29:48 UTC

Thanks for the direction. What I did was move over another computer that was currently crunching Rosetta. I`ll see if that triggers a sychronized responce. Time will tell. LOL.
ID: 20360 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Questions and problems : Wrong username

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