Message boards : BOINC Manager : Displeased with Bonic after several months.
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Send message Joined: 29 Aug 05 Posts: 15583 |
If you read what I said before that, you would've had an answer already. But yes, it happens to everyone who uses the transition email form. If you know your Seti Classic password (it's a number, 8 digits big), your Seti Classic email account and you read everything correctly and follow the leads, your Classic credits will be written to your Seti/Boinc account. But only as a reminder to old days past. They will not be added to the present day credits/cobblestones, since their concept is different from the 1 WU = 1 credit way Classic worked. (all the blue text in posts here are links to other places.) |
Send message Joined: 15 Sep 05 Posts: 5 |
Please note that according to the one comment in the help section on credit I copied below I see the point. I would like to clarify I fall under the classification of someone who like to watch the progress instead of just running a program for the heck of it and not knowing anything that happened with it or how much I have done. The BOINC program loading will turn off a lot of the people who know very little about computers. I have helped several friends set up SETI classic and it was as straight forward as it comes. I feel that unless a better install wizard is made the number of users is going to drop. The feeling I get on this board is "who cares?" I know if you make it fool proof only fools will use it but it should be friendly. I have a degree in mechanical engineering and have worked with engineers who have the same attitude. Try working retail for a few years (20 in my case) and you will see the customer is someone you need to please. When they get frustrated they rant (my original post). I feel a screen saver should take no more of my time than the time it takes to load it. If you do not give the customer a "feel good" then you lose that customer. I could go on but this is enough. Thanks for the help and I now know this is all normal and I'll decide if I want to keep running it. I know we can't be the most intelligent life form out there or the universe is in trouble. With all the problems with credit, why not just drop it? We are attempting to attract the largest base of Participants to perform needed science. If we can get more Participants to donate time, lets face it, we need to do what is necessary to, um, attract them. If you don't care, it's cool, you can avoid all of the debates (please do avoid them, they are a complete, for the most part, waste of time I can imagine) and are none the worse for it. But a lot of our heavy contributors are "Crunchers" and it is a relatively easy way to rope them in. |
Send message Joined: 29 Aug 05 Posts: 15583 |
I feel that unless a better install wizard is made the number of users is going to drop. I think it's not installing that breaks it up for people, but the attaching to a project. With the new attach wizard coming up, this should become a lot easier, especially since you do not need to use the 32 character authenticator any more. Sometime in the future the Account Manager will come online as well. Then you do not need to manage your accounts through a website any more, but you can do it through the Boinc Manager (the GUI). Anyway, if you feel it's the installation of BOINC that needs looking at, then why not say here how you like things to be changed and outline where it is going wrong in your eyes? With all the problems with credit, why not just drop it? Do you care to explain that to everyone at present and coming over from Classic? ;) Besides, BOINC isn't just Seti@Home. It can run so many other projects. At the same time as Seti, even. Do you want all projects to drop their tokens of appreciation to all who are running their projects? We are attempting to attract the largest base of Participants to perform needed science. If we can get more Participants to donate time, lets face it, we need to do what is necessary to, um, attract them. So you get credits as a token of appreciation. As for the debates, I am keeping my face out of the Seti forums. If you don't have a star next to your name there, you may not be as participant as the others who do have one, so before you know it, your strategically set up debate has turned into a flame fight. Also know, I do not work for Seti or Boinc. I do Alpha test the Boinc software, but I don't get anything out of it. Bar some knowledge and a chance to help out. |
Send message Joined: 15 Sep 05 Posts: 5 |
Since you are a tester Jord that may explain the more level headed approach to your answers. On my last post I noted that the lower portion was a copied item from the help files. "With all the problems with credit, why not just drop it?" and everything after it was from the help files. I myself stated, as you mentioned, that the past users need the "feel good" of the past credits so I agree with not having to explain that to the past users which is psrt of my original complaint. As for my suggestions, I did mention it and you yourself basically stated an answer to exactly what I was saying is on the way with a new GUI. Hopefully it will make choosing what you want to run and inputting your info a point and click operation that those of us who just play with computers and use them for work will like using. You will never please everybody but you have to please the unwashed majority or only the techies will be running it. Let's face it. The person in this situation is insignifigant. Just the computer is needed. SETI and BOINC just need to make it so the computer owners want to give free computer time. |
Send message Joined: 29 Aug 05 Posts: 15583 |
Thanks for the compliment. I can't say I am always level headed, though. I do have my bad days. Who doesn't? The computer owner/user is still needed. You can't get around the internet without having to fill in at least a link or a word. Google won't search for you on thought control only, so Boinc will not be able to attach to a project without the project's URL. ;) So the person is still needed. Forum help: If a next time you quote something off a page, why not use the quote marks? There's a link to the BBCode at every answer window. :) |
Send message Joined: 29 Aug 05 Posts: 225 |
I fall under the classification of someone who like to watch the progress instead of just running a program for the heck of it and not knowing anything that happened with it or how much I have done. BOINC does more for you in this regard. You still have the screen savers to look at, or not, as your choice. I install with the BOINC Manager and no screen saver ever. But, unlike Classic, if I DO want to look at what is going on, I can. Otherwise I do not pay a penalty for the occasional look by having the GUI eat cycles for no good reason. The CLI concept is still alive for those that like that style. Install BOINC as a service and move on with life. With statistic sites, like the one I use for my signatures, give you more data than you would ever like to look at. And, it is cross project too ... so, all my credit is rolled into one statistic site that I can look at when I want to do statistics. Though the install and set-up is not as clean as we would like it. We do have some help on-line, unfortunately it is not packaged with the program. For all of that, I don't think there is a site anywhere that will tell you more about what is happening and how it all works than the Wiki ... for which Jord also contributes in his copious free time... One of the problems with BOINC is that we cannot always get what we think we need because we do not "own" all of it. At the moment, though it is open source, the primary owners of the software is UCB. Granted we could set up our own, "out of UCB" version, but then I would not have time to write the Wiki ... So, the limitation is that if UCB does not think it is needed, or does not want to do things the way that we, the participants, think it should be, well, sorry about that ... Scince I do not see this changing in the near future, I try not to let it get me down ... I am not sure if I answered the questions that you may be having or not ... though I will say, from personal experience, even when we do point people to the information it is harder that it should be to get people to help themselves ... Time for football ... |
Send message Joined: 16 Sep 05 Posts: 6 |
Hi Gordon, I have also been a member since the beginning. I have tried the BOINC thing and I, also, think it bites a big one. It's just gotten overblown and complicated. The website is sucky to try to find info. WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR FAQ??? The lame attempt at 3D is stupid and craptacular. There are better graphics on my N64 from a billion years ago. You can't even read it WTF is the point? Then you try to get us to work on 'other projects' with our versatile Boinc software. I'M NOT GOING TO LEND OUT MY CPU AND MY POWER BILL TO JUST ANYTHING! I need to know what it is and what my progress is, a very difficult task. I also think this whole new 'credits' system is whack and I feel betrayed that I put so much work units. Now it's all based on some thing about processor speed or something - STU-PID! If you say it's not competitive, the why the hell was is set up to show statistics in this completely competitive nature of ranking and giving certificates when different amounts were met? I was proud of my 10000 unit certificate on the wall, now it is a meaningless piece of garbage on the way to be recycled. It needs to be easy and cool from the start. Boinc is not. It's UI is garbage. Don't get tech-heads to design UI, EVER! And while I'm sure I missed something and they'll be some eager beaver ready to explain it all... you're just wasting your time. This post is the last effort of my valuable life that I'm putting into it. I hope you find some aliens, but it won't be with my boxen... I'm getting some Aquarium Screensavers!!! BYE BYE! SETI@home 'classic' workunits 16,506 as of 15 March 2005 SETI@home 'classic' workunits 19,903 as of 15 September 2005 Rant on the use of 'Classic' : ('Classic'? don't you know NEW COKE sucked, which is why the have a 'Classic' in the first place and anyone who uses 'Classic' is copying coca-cola which only used it because the 'New' stuff sucked and pissed everybody off - SOUND FAMILIAR!) To whom it may concern, |
Send message Joined: 16 Sep 05 Posts: 6 |
Hi Gordon, I have also been a member since the beginning. I have tried the BOINC thing and I, also, think it bites a big one. It's just gotten overblown and complicated. The website is sucky to try to find info. WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR FAQ??? The lame attempt at 3D is stupid and craptacular. There are better graphics on my N64 from a billion years ago. You can't even read it WTF is the point? Then you try to get us to work on 'other projects' with our versatile Boinc software. I'M NOT GOING TO LEND OUT MY CPU AND MY POWER BILL TO JUST ANYTHING! I need to know what it is and what my progress is, a very difficult task. I also think this whole new 'credits' system is whack and I feel betrayed that I put so much work units. Now it's all based on some thing about processor speed or something - STU-PID! If you say it's not competitive, the why the hell was is set up to show statistics in this completely competitive nature of ranking and giving certificates when different amounts were met? I was proud of my 10000 unit certificate on the wall, now it is a meaningless piece of garbage on the way to be recycled. It needs to be easy and cool from the start. Boinc is not. It's UI is garbage. Don't get tech-heads to design UI, EVER! And while I'm sure I missed something and they'll be some eager beaver ready to explain it all... you're just wasting your time. This post is the last effort of my valuable life that I'm putting into it. I hope you find some aliens, but it won't be with my boxen... I'm getting some Aquarium Screensavers!!! BYE BYE! SETI@home 'classic' workunits 16,506 as of 15 March 2005 SETI@home 'classic' workunits 19,903 as of 15 September 2005 Rant on the use of 'Classic' : ('Classic'? don't you know NEW COKE sucked, which is why they have a 'Classic' in the first place and anyone who uses 'Classic' is copying coca-cola which only used it because the 'New' stuff sucked and pissed everybody off - SOUND FAMILIAR!) To whom it may concern, |
Send message Joined: 16 Sep 05 Posts: 6 |
Hi Gordon, I have also been a member since the beginning. I have tried the BOINC thing and I, also, think it bites a big one. It's just gotten overblown and complicated. The website is sucky to try to find info. WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR FAQ??? The lame attempt at 3D is stupid and craptacular. There are better graphics on my N64 from a billion years ago. You can't even read it WTF is the point? Then you try to get us to work on 'other projects' with our versatile Boinc software. I'M NOT GOING TO LEND OUT MY CPU AND MY POWER BILL TO JUST ANYTHING! I need to know what it is and what my progress is, a very difficult task. I also think this whole new 'credits' system is whack and I feel betrayed that I put so much work units. Now it's all based on some thing about processor speed or something - STU-PID! If you say it's not competitive, the why the hell was is set up to show statistics in this completely competitive nature of ranking and giving certificates when different amounts were met? I was proud of my 10000 unit certificate on the wall, now it is a meaningless piece of garbage on the way to be recycled. It needs to be easy and cool from the start. Boinc is not. It's UI is garbage. Don't get tech-heads to design UI, EVER! And while I'm sure I missed something and they'll be some eager beaver ready to explain it all... you're just wasting your time. This post is the last effort of my valuable life that I'm putting into it. I hope you find some aliens, but it won't be with my boxen... I'm getting some Aquarium Screensavers!!! BYE BYE! SETI@home 'classic' workunits 16,506 as of 15 March 2005 SETI@home 'classic' workunits 19,903 as of 15 September 2005 Rant on the use of 'Classic' : ('Classic'? don't you know NEW COKE sucked, which is why they have a 'Classic' in the first place and anyone who uses 'Classic' is copying coca-cola which only used it because the 'New' stuff sucked and pissed everybody off - SOUND FAMILIAR!) To whom it may concern, |
Send message Joined: 16 Sep 05 Posts: 6 |
Hi Gordon, I have also been a member since the beginning. I have tried the BOINC thing and I, also, think it bites a big one. It's just gotten overblown and complicated. The website is sucky to try to find info. WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR FAQ??? The lame attempt at 3D is stupid and craptacular. There are better graphics on my N64 from a billion years ago. You can't even read it WTF is the point? Then you try to get us to work on 'other projects' with our versatile Boinc software. I'M NOT GOING TO LEND OUT MY CPU AND MY POWER BILL TO JUST ANYTHING! I need to know what it is and what my progress is, a very difficult task. I also think this whole new 'credits' system is whack and I feel betrayed that I put so much work units. Now it's all based on some thing about processor speed or something - STU-PID! If you say it's not competitive, the why the hell was is set up to show statistics in this completely competitive nature of ranking and giving certificates when different amounts were met? I was proud of my 10000 unit certificate on the wall, now it is a meaningless piece of garbage on the way to be recycled. It needs to be easy and cool from the start. Boinc is not. It's UI is garbage. Don't get tech-heads to design UI, EVER! And while I'm sure I missed something and they'll be some eager beaver ready to explain it all... you're just wasting your time. This post is the last effort of my valuable life that I'm putting into it. I hope you find some aliens, but it won't be with my boxen... I'm getting some Aquarium Screensavers!!! BYE BYE! SETI@home 'classic' workunits 16,506 as of 15 March 2005 SETI@home 'classic' workunits 19,903 as of 15 September 2005 Rant on the use of 'Classic' : ('Classic'? don't you know NEW COKE sucked, which is why they have a 'Classic' in the first place and anyone who uses 'Classic' is copying coca-cola which only used it because the 'New' stuff sucked and pissed everybody off - SOUND FAMILIAR!) To whom it may concern, |
Send message Joined: 16 Sep 05 Posts: 6 |
Hi Gordon, I have also been a member since the beginning. I have tried the BOINC thing and I, also, think it bites a big one. It's just gotten overblown and complicated. The website is sucky to try to find info. WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR FAQ??? The lame attempt at 3D is stupid and craptacular. There are better graphics on my N64 from a billion years ago. You can't even read it WTF is the point? Then you try to get us to work on 'other projects' with our versatile Boinc software. I'M NOT GOING TO LEND OUT MY CPU AND MY POWER BILL TO JUST ANYTHING! I need to know what it is and what my progress is, a very difficult task. I also think this whole new 'credits' system is whack and I feel betrayed that I put so much work units. Now it's all based on some thing about processor speed or something - STU-PID! If you say it's not competitive, the why the hell was is set up to show statistics in this completely competitive nature of ranking and giving certificates when different amounts were met? I was proud of my 10000 unit certificate on the wall, now it is a meaningless piece of garbage on the way to be recycled. It needs to be easy and cool from the start. Boinc is not. It's UI is garbage. Don't get tech-heads to design UI, EVER! And while I'm sure I missed something and they'll be some eager beaver ready to explain it all... you're just wasting your time. This post is the last effort of my valuable life that I'm putting into it. I hope you find some aliens, but it won't be with my boxen... I'm getting some Aquarium Screensavers!!! BYE BYE! SETI@home 'classic' workunits 16,506 as of 15 March 2005 SETI@home 'classic' workunits 19,903 as of 15 September 2005 Rant on the use of 'Classic' : ('Classic'? don't you know NEW COKE sucked, which is why they have a 'Classic' in the first place and anyone who uses 'Classic' is copying coca-cola which only used it because the 'New' stuff sucked and pissed everybody off - SOUND FAMILIAR!) To whom it may concern, |
Send message Joined: 16 Sep 05 Posts: 6 |
Hi Gordon, I have also been a member since the beginning. I have tried the BOINC thing and I, also, think it bites a big one. It's just gotten overblown and complicated. The website is sucky to try to find info. WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR FAQ??? The lame attempt at 3D is stupid and craptacular. There are better graphics on my N64 from a billion years ago. You can't even read it WTF is the point? Then you try to get us to work on 'other projects' with our versatile Boinc software. I'M NOT GOING TO LEND OUT MY CPU AND MY POWER BILL TO JUST ANYTHING! I need to know what it is and what my progress is, a very difficult task. I also think this whole new 'credits' system is whack and I feel betrayed that I put so much work units. Now it's all based on some thing about processor speed or something - STU-PID! If you say it's not competitive, the why the hell was is set up to show statistics in this completely competitive nature of ranking and giving certificates when different amounts were met? I was proud of my 10000 unit certificate on the wall, now it is a meaningless piece of garbage on the way to be recycled. It needs to be easy and cool from the start. Boinc is not. It's UI is garbage. Don't get tech-heads to design UI, EVER! And while I'm sure I missed something and they'll be some eager beaver ready to explain it all... you're just wasting your time. This post is the last effort of my valuable life that I'm putting into it. I hope you find some aliens, but it won't be with my boxen... I'm getting some Aquarium Screensavers!!! BYE BYE! SETI@home 'classic' workunits 16,506 as of 15 March 2005 SETI@home 'classic' workunits 19,903 as of 15 September 2005 Rant on the use of 'Classic' : ('Classic'? don't you know NEW COKE sucked, which is why they have a 'Classic' in the first place and anyone who uses 'Classic' is copying coca-cola which only used it because the 'New' stuff sucked and pissed everybody off - SOUND FAMILIAR!) To whom it may concern, |
Send message Joined: 30 Aug 05 Posts: 1 |
@DNA There is absolutely NO need to post your message 6 times. We heard you the 1st time. |
Send message Joined: 29 Aug 05 Posts: 15583 |
I think he was ranting on about Seti, but can be mistaken. WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR FAQ??? Missed the frontpage of the BOINC website (There are several Wikis with information and documentation about BOINC) and Seti@Home (Under Participate there's links to BOINC and BOINC WIKI), did you? Now, I could tell you about the differences between what the N64's graphic chipset could do and what your present day videocard can do, but heck, you're not interested anyway. You are right, everyone else is damn wrong. Since you know how it should be done, why not make it for yourself? Edit the code, recompile it to your own needs! Both Boinc and the Seti science application are Open Source. If you can grasp what that means... |
Send message Joined: 16 Sep 05 Posts: 1 |
I think that Ageless's answer to the REAL problem with BOINC as delineated by DNA is also part of the problem He displalkys the tyhpical aragont attitude that programmers exibit when someone else does not understand how to navigate tthe rediculous Wiki areas. DNA is right on. I have over 4000 units in the old system... transferring them as per the programmer's method yielded what? No where can I find how they relate to each other. I have restarted BOINC on my other hard drive only to have work units collect and collect with no connection to ujp load results. avter accumulating about 20 I had to clear them and star over by reloading BOINC. Since I lost my original drive and all e-mail vrom BOINC I can no longer participate. The system says download and get started. No where is there a way to download work units. I cannot get a new activation because myk e-mail address is already registered. This attempt to improve an already working system with a graphic presentation that is vactually viewable is just another example of your software Geeks trying to improve on the wheel and making a system completely useless. Are you sure You are all not part of FEMA working for the Mayor of New Orleans? The system is BROKEN and all I can see is aragant people huffing and puffing (Ageless) I think he was ranting on about Seti, but can be mistaken. |
Send message Joined: 29 Aug 05 Posts: 15583 |
Sorry to disappoint you, but I am not a programmer. Not an American either. No where is there a way to download work units. I cannot get a new activation because myk e-mail address is already registered. So why not ask for your login authenticator again? (For future reference, this is through the Seti homepage, Under Your Account there are some options, click Log in, look for "Log in with account key, If you don't know your account key, click here." .. the blue click here is a link to the link above.) Your account key will be emailed to you. Then you can continue here in the Wiki to see if all steps are there on how to attach to the Seti project. If you have complaints about the Wiki, tell us where it can be made better. As for the personal attack on me, I'll let it slide. You must not have had your day. :) |
Send message Joined: 29 Aug 05 Posts: 15583 |
Send message Joined: 29 Aug 05 Posts: 225 |
I think that Ageless's answer to the REAL problem with BOINC as delineated by DNA is also part of the problem He displalkys the tyhpical aragont attitude that programmers exibit when someone else does not understand how to navigate tthe rediculous Wiki areas. As the primary writer of the Wiki, I can certainly agree that information in the Wiki is hard to find. BOINC is a large system, and quite complex. Because of that, and that it is an open source project ... well, we also document development information adding to the bulk. The Wiki is about the 5th time I have completely eliminated my prior work and tried a new mechanism to distribute content. However, in all my trials I have never been able to come up with a system that was both easy to use and comprehensive. So far the Wiki is the best tool as now not only I contribute, but so do about 15 other people. And we do respond to feed back, if you have a suggestion to make. Telling me it is bad is not helpful. I already know that. How could we make it better? Recently one new person suggested we have a how to use the site and we added a page to do that. DNA is right on. I have over 4000 units in the old system... transferring them as per the programmer's method yielded what? No where can I find how they relate to each other. Because they do not relate. If, on the SETI@Home site you click on my name link you will see that I did 61,000 SETI@Home Work Units and what my current score is for BOINC. But the systems have nothing in common with each other and there is no way to convert one value into another. I have restarted BOINC on my other hard drive only to have work units collect and collect with no connection to ujp load results. avter accumulating about 20 I had to clear them and star over by reloading BOINC. Not sure how to answer this, if you downloaded work to the comptuer, how did it lose the network connection? If you downloaded work on one computer and tried to process it on another, well, BOINC does not do that yet. To eliminate cheating and to have traceability of the work, the computer that downloads the work has to be the machine that processes the work. Since I lost my original drive and all e-mail vrom BOINC I can no longer participate. The system says download and get started. No where is there a way to download work units. I cannot get a new activation because myk e-mail address is already registered. IF you have an account already, you just use that account. If you have lost the account key, have it mailed to you as Ageless suggests. This attempt to improve an already working system with a graphic presentation that is vactually viewable is just another example of your software Geeks trying to improve on the wheel and making a system completely useless. Again, I am not sure what to make of this as I do not understand what you are saying. I can install BOINC 3 ways on a windows system. If I install it as a service I don't have graphics at all unless I do a little extra work. In any case, if I do not tell it to make it the screen saver it won't. And even if I do I can always change my mind. As far as the last, well, BOINC and the SETI@Home Science Application Powered by BOINC can be installed on four different platforms and to the best of my knowledge works the same on all 4. In Classic, if you were not a windows system you could not do the screen saver at all. Now, on my OS-X system, I can look at graphics if I choose. Or, I can ignore the capability if I don't ... In all honesty, we do try to help people use BOINC, but you have to do your part. That does consist of doing a little work at times. Just like with SETI@Home classic, you have to learn how to use the program. When I first got into doing Classic I had many of the same start up issues as we see with BOINC. Once I learned, it was easy from then on out. Same thing with BOINC. We have tried to write down what we know about BOINC. It is up to you to use, or not use that reference. In either case, if you have a specific problem, you have to describe if for use to be able to help you. |
Send message Joined: 6 Nov 06 Posts: 1 |
I used to run the old SETI some years back, got distracted by life and all, and finally came back to find BOINC and Einstein (pulsars are cool, too) to go with the SETI, but after reading the message boards all I can really hope is that we're not the intelligent life in the universe. The idea here is to help with scientific computation so that we can all perhaps learn something. Offer your CPU if you like, but stop quacking about credit. Build a better BOINC if you know how (arrogance among the ignorant is sad, but universal...even BOINC is misspelled in the header). Lead, follow, or at least voice a legitimate complaint.....I'm going to let the new stuff run. Whoever wants my credits can have 'em. Keep up the good work.... |
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