Thread 'How to run multiple GPUs from BOINC'

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Message 99907 - Posted: 12 Jul 2020, 18:09:04 UTC

I added a second GPU and can't get it to run both.
7/12/2020 12:39:51 PM | | CUDA: NVIDIA GPU 1 (not used): GeForce GTX 980 (driver version 451.48, CUDA version 11.0, compute capability 5.2, 4096MB, 3378MB available, 4979 GFLOPS peak)
7/12/2020 12:39:51 PM | | OpenCL: NVIDIA GPU 1 (ignored by config): GeForce GTX 980 (driver version 451.48, device version OpenCL 1.2 CUDA, 4096MB, 3378MB available, 4979 GFLOPS peak)

Plus, why isn't multiple GPUs on by default? And I wish the setting where in the BOINC client.
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Message 99911 - Posted: 13 Jul 2020, 0:54:49 UTC - in response to Message 99907.  

Upgrading or doing a fresh install of BOINC v7.16.7 will delete or not creat a cc_config.xml. I see this as a major bug in this.

I search long and hard to get my computer to run more than 1 GPU on my computer. For one it's off by default, it should be in 'Computing preference' and cc_config.xml is not there anymore. It doesn't have to be this hard to get BOINC to configure to use more than one GPU.
It should be in the 'Computing preference' option to set it and not off by default.

If anyone has this problem with a new version of BOINC v7.16.7 for mutable GPUS than just add a cc_config.XML. I didn't know how to create an .XML so I copied any .XML file I found and pasted it back in the same directory and now I have 2 of the same file with one having copy added to the file. I right-clicked on the file and clicked 'edit' and 'select all' and pasted the command down below. Then I closed and saved the file. And all you have to do is rename the file with copy in it to 'cc_config and restart BOINC.
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Message 99919 - Posted: 13 Jul 2020, 7:38:13 UTC - in response to Message 99911.  

Upgrading or doing a fresh install of BOINC v7.16.7 will delete or not creat a cc_config.xml. I see this as a major bug in this.
Upgrading BOINC does not delete anything in the data directory, where cc_config.xml resides.
However, BOINC does not start with a default cc_config.xml file, you will always have to make one. Either by hand, or easily have a fully populated one by editing the Event Log options... menu in BOINC Manager (advanced view).

For one it's off by default, it should be in 'Computing preference' and cc_config.xml is not there anymore.
As explained, BOINC does by default not come with cc_config.xml; if you never had it it wasn't removed, you just never had it.

It should be in the 'Computing preference' option to set it and not off by default.
Tell the developers over at BOINC Github (When the Github server is back at least, never seen it down...)
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Message 99938 - Posted: 14 Jul 2020, 9:45:19 UTC - in response to Message 99919.  

Upgrading BOINC does not delete anything in the data directory, where cc_config.xml resides.

No, I'm just making things up! It did because I have seen in the BOINC logs that cc_config.xml is missing. Which I've never seen for years.
However, BOINC does not start with a default cc_config.xml file, you will always have to make one.
As explained, BOINC does by default not come with cc_config.xml; if you never had it it wasn't removed, you just never had it.

Plus, It didn't create a cc_config.xml ether. I know it's not that way in older versions.
So you don't know what you're talking about. I've seen it. I've been a BOINC user for over 8 years. Looking through logs and BOINC folders.

And your help desk and tester??? How do you think I know about cc_config.xml? It wasn't from Google.
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Richard Haselgrove
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Message 99939 - Posted: 14 Jul 2020, 11:08:10 UTC - in response to Message 99938.  

Our knowledge of cc_config.xml comes from three places:

The User Manual
Detailled knowledge of the source code
Experience (15 years, in my case) of running BOINC.

cc_config.xml is an optional file. From the user manual, "If the file is absent, the default configuration is used." The BOINC installers for Windows and Linux do not create it. I cannot speak from experience of Mac OS X. 'Skinned' installers for other versions of BOINC (WCG, CharityEngine) may include it, but that's beyond our scope here.

As Jord says, uninstalling BOINC (whether manually, or as an automated part of the upgrade procedure) does not delete any user data. cc_config.xml is user data.

It is possible that a new installation of BOINC may create different file locations for programs and data than the ones you previously used. This would have been displayed during installation, but not everybody checks. Normally, the previous locations are remembered and reused.
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Message 99940 - Posted: 14 Jul 2020, 11:08:25 UTC

During startup BOINC checks to see if there is a cc_config.xml file present, if there isn't one, then it reports it's absence, if it is there it uses it. You should read that rather terse message as "Since there isn't a cc_config.xml file BOINC is going to us the default settings" - a simple "this is why BOINC is doing it this way", nothing more, nothing less.
BOINC does not, and as far as I'm aware, never has auto-generated a cc_config.xml file, so the fact that you have been seeing this message for a very long time is only confirming the default situation and not telling you there is an error with your system.

If you really feel that the file should be auto-generated then you have to engage in dialogue with the developers, using GtHub, using the link provided by Jord rather than ranting at Jord.
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Message 99941 - Posted: 14 Jul 2020, 12:36:23 UTC
Last modified: 14 Jul 2020, 12:49:25 UTC

Thank the deities, I don't know what I'm talking about re: BOINC. The curse has been broken, I can finally leave here!
And stop writing the documentation for it, stop putting bugs into their bug system, stop helping people who really don't know B from OINC. I'm free, I'm free!
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Message 99968 - Posted: 15 Jul 2020, 8:09:36 UTC
Last modified: 15 Jul 2020, 8:12:19 UTC

cc_config.xml is an optional file.

BOINC does not, and as far as I'm aware, never has auto-generated a cc_config.xml file

No, it is not. It's been there from the start. I remember the cc_config.xml codes in there that took at least 3 pages of coding. And no cc_config.xml never ones showed up in "Event log" that the cc_config.xml was missing.

I certainly didn't type or copy and paste all that stuff in. Why would I? I had no need to.
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Richard Haselgrove
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Message 99970 - Posted: 15 Jul 2020, 9:18:59 UTC - in response to Message 99968.  

No, it is not. It's been there from the start. I remember the cc_config.xml codes in there that took at least 3 pages of coding. And no cc_config.xml never ones showed up in "Event log" that the cc_config.xml was missing.

I certainly didn't type or copy and paste all that stuff in. Why would I? I had no need to.
Can you give us an indication of when that anecdote relates to?

Originally, (2005 or thereabouts) BOINC had no way of auto-creating cc_config.xml

Round about 2015 (ten years later - subject to checking) and version 7.4, a dialog was added allowing users to change their Event Log settings visually, rather than creating/editing the file manually. Usage of the 'Event log options' dialog re-writes the entire cc_config.xml file, and thereby creates a new default file if none existed before. This is the first and only situation where BOINC creates the file - and it happens during usage of BOINC Manager, not at installation.
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Message 99971 - Posted: 15 Jul 2020, 9:27:36 UTC
Last modified: 15 Jul 2020, 9:36:42 UTC

Ok, I installed Windows 10 on to a Vbox and installed BOINC 7.8.0.

No cc_config.xml

Now I know how it got there.

But I do know it was pages long.

And I do know now that I remember it saying that every time I check the logs...
7/15/2020 3:58:01 AM | | cc_config.xml not found - using defaults

But I did have the file before and for some reason, it is gone after upgrading BOINC to 7.16.7.

The point is that I figure it out and got it to run all GPUS.
Which why it's not on by default for a program that runs CPU and GPUS and has no option to change it in the client settings is be on me.

I see now and thanks.
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Message 99972 - Posted: 15 Jul 2020, 9:37:45 UTC - in response to Message 99970.  
Last modified: 15 Jul 2020, 10:13:17 UTC

This is the first and only situation where BOINC creates the file - and it happens during usage of BOINC Manager, not at installation.
Using the Exclusive Applications menu option would already write a fully populated cc_config.xml file way before the Event Log options menu came in.
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Message 99973 - Posted: 15 Jul 2020, 9:50:56 UTC - in response to Message 99971.  

This is what I'm talking about... So BOINC does creat cc_config.xml in a matter of speaking. But is the new version of BOINC v7.16.7 deleting this file??? If any one out there has the cc_config file and find out it's missing then you need to report as a bug on this.
ID: 99973 · Report as offensive
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Message 99974 - Posted: 15 Jul 2020, 10:21:53 UTC - in response to Message 99973.  
Last modified: 15 Jul 2020, 10:22:37 UTC

BOINC will certainly not make a cc_config.xml file with all the debug options on by default. Only <task>, <sched_ops> and <file_xfer> are on by default. I wouldn't use that cc_config.xml file as this will give a lot of information about the running of BOINC, most of it being totally useless to the normal user. It may even completely hang the client because of the overkill on information.

The old cc_config.xml (cc stands for client configuration) was intended to set the debug flags for testing the BOINC client and project applications. Over time other options were added. Because one can hang the client when adding too many (or all) log_flags, the making of and using of cc_config.xml is for advanced users (and alpha testers) only. Hence also why it will only be populated from the Advanced view of BOINC Manager, not from Simple View.
ID: 99974 · Report as offensive
Richard Haselgrove
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Message 99975 - Posted: 15 Jul 2020, 10:29:17 UTC - in response to Message 99973.  

This is what I'm talking about... So BOINC does creat cc_config.xml in a matter of speaking. But is the new version of BOINC v7.16.7 deleting this file??? If any one out there has the cc_config file and find out it's missing then you need to report as a bug on this.
That's a fair question, but in my experience, the answer is 'NO'.

I have two laptops on the desk in front of me - one Windows 7, the other Windows 10. They are both running v7.16.7. They both have a cc_config.xml file, and they both have a copy of the v7.16.7 downloadable installer file. That file was first made available on 31 May 2020.

The Windows 7 machine downloaded the installer at 11:24 om 01 June 2020. It's cc_config.xml file is datestamped at 16:24 on 9 March 2019. So, no delete/recreate there.

The Windows 10 machine downloaded the installer at 09:49 on 12 June 2020. It's cc_config.xml file is datestamped at 10:23 on 12 June 2020. A delete/recreate event is possible in that case, but unconfirmed. I think I would have noticed and remembered it. The restart log file on that machine records the version change (7.16.5 -> 7.16.7) at 09:52, and continues to load my normal cc_config.xml settings. So, no deletion.

I was closely involved in the events of 30 May - 01 June that led to the creation and release of v7.16.7. The only significant change (and the reason for the release) was That change did not affect cc_config.xml in any way.
ID: 99975 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Questions and problems : How to run multiple GPUs from BOINC

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