Thread 'Folding@Home and BOINC'

Message boards : Projects : Folding@Home and BOINC
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Message 99877 - Posted: 11 Jul 2020, 19:04:38 UTC


How come the Folding@Home project isn't on BOINC? Is there a reason for that?

Thank you
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Richard Haselgrove
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Message 99880 - Posted: 11 Jul 2020, 19:19:15 UTC - in response to Message 99877.  

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Message 99882 - Posted: 11 Jul 2020, 19:55:27 UTC - in response to Message 99877.  


How come the Folding@Home project isn't on BOINC? Is there a reason for that?

Thank you

I think FAH was developed first and they never saw the reason to make the switch.
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Message 99899 - Posted: 12 Jul 2020, 10:58:32 UTC - in response to Message 99877.  
Last modified: 12 Jul 2020, 10:59:01 UTC
In January 2006 we launched an initial release BOINC client which we alpha tested in a small group, but we ran into some significant issues with the client. In April we updated much of the code, but we had to deal with a staff turnover in the BOINC part of the development team, which slowed development. As of June 2006 we are putting this platform on hold, as until such time as our staffing situation changes, and the incompatibilities on both sides are resolved, further development has been shelved.
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Message 99947 - Posted: 14 Jul 2020, 17:47:08 UTC

Fah has strucutally different methods from Boinc.
Not limited to projects assignments, and PPD counting system (they use QRB PPD on top of the standard PPD).
In short, Fah couldn't run in Boinc; since FAH depends on quick return of WUs (usually the deadline is below 2 days), and sharing resources would end up in issues.
FAH also can't just assign any WU to any GPU, like in Boinc.
They have specific WUs that are made for a specific range of GPUs, in a way to make maximum use of the GPU's hardware.
This is one thing that Boinc doesn't yet have.
I can run a GT 1030 and an RTX 2080 Ti, and the configuration to get the right WUs to work on the right GPUs would take too much user interaction, that a normal person wouldn't be able to figure out.
FAH is aimed towards someone who can run windows or linux, install FAH, and run a program.
Not fiddle with programs until they work optimally.
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Message 99954 - Posted: 14 Jul 2020, 21:12:16 UTC - in response to Message 99947.  

In short, Fah couldn't run in Boinc; since FAH depends on quick return of WUs (usually the deadline is below 2 days), and sharing resources would end up in issues.
I run a project whose deadline is 24 hours. Works fine.

FAH also can't just assign any WU to any GPU, like in Boinc.
They have specific WUs that are made for a specific range of GPUs, in a way to make maximum use of the GPU's hardware.
This is one thing that Boinc doesn't yet have.
It's not a thing for BOINC to have. BOINC doesn't use the CPU or GPU, that's done by the projects and if a project would dictate it can only run on certain GPUs then only those GPUs can be used. See GPUGRID. See Milkyway@Home. See Minecraft@Home.
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Message 99961 - Posted: 15 Jul 2020, 0:06:41 UTC - in response to Message 99954.  

In short, Fah couldn't run in Boinc; since FAH depends on quick return of WUs (usually the deadline is below 2 days), and sharing resources would end up in issues.
I run a project whose deadline is 24 hours. Works fine.

I mean, FAH has a Quick Return Bonus, which is an additional PPD rating on top of the regular rating that Boinc doesn't have.

FAH also can't just assign any WU to any GPU, like in Boinc.
They have specific WUs that are made for a specific range of GPUs, in a way to make maximum use of the GPU's hardware.
This is one thing that Boinc doesn't yet have.
It's not a thing for BOINC to have. BOINC doesn't use the CPU or GPU, that's done by the projects and if a project would dictate it can only run on certain GPUs then only those GPUs can be used. See GPUGRID. See Milkyway@Home. See Minecraft@Home.

True, but these projects make use of available hardware that can be shared with other projects.
FAH is more trying to completely and unanimously have control of the hardware given.
Eg: if you have 2 GPUs assigned to FAH, FAH won't share this with other projects.
It's not made for WUs to be paused in favor of other WUs.
WUs also don't stay on the host. As soon as a WU is nearing completion, another WU is downloaded; and then seamlessly processed in a serial-kind of way.
With Boinc, one can stack upto (I believe) a good 16-20 days of WUs.

Each has it's benefits. For a wonky internet connection, BOINC is definitely preferred.
FAH puts a lot of emphasis on fast and modern hardware, a good (always on) internet.
While people with slow or intermittent internet can still donate, they usually suffer a large PPD penalty; which on boinc they don't.
In many cases it doesn't matter if a WU on Boinc is returned within the hour, or takes a few days to complete.
The PPDs are mostly the same for both (unless the project assigns additional PPD for the first one to complete the WU, and anyone following is just confirming or verifying the WU).
ID: 99961 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Projects : Folding@Home and BOINC

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