Thread 'Manual suspend keeps getting reset'

Message boards : BOINC Manager : Manual suspend keeps getting reset
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Message 94820 - Posted: 10 Jan 2020, 20:58:14 UTC
Last modified: 10 Jan 2020, 20:58:35 UTC

Running BOINC Manager 7.14.2 on MacOS 10.13.6

Powerbook currently connected to a small power supply so I wanted to keep BOINC suspended since it will drain my battery completely in less than an hour. I opened the Manager and clicked Suspect. All was well for a while, then I was away from computer for an hour and came back to find BOINC running (Seti@Home if it matters) and battery down to 2%. Opened manager and no indication I had suspended it.
Do the preferences get refreshed somehow?
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Message 94821 - Posted: 10 Jan 2020, 21:26:59 UTC

The manual suspend feature only works for about an hour. Which can be difficult in situations like you describe :-(
The only way I've found around it is to reset the suspend when it times out, which is OK if you are sat by the computer, but all too often we aren't and we end up with flat batteries.
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Richard Haselgrove
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Message 94835 - Posted: 10 Jan 2020, 22:47:19 UTC - in response to Message 94821.  

Suspend is different from snooze.

Suspend - which you do from the main BOINC Manager screen, for either projects or single tasks - is supposed to be permanent.

Snooze - which you do from the notification area icon in Windows - is supposed to be for one hour only.
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Message 94850 - Posted: 11 Jan 2020, 8:35:33 UTC

Ah, but under the Activity tab on the BOINC GUI there is a Suspend option, which does exactly what the OP says (and has caught me out a couple of times - behaves as one would expect Snooze to)
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Richard Haselgrove
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Message 94851 - Posted: 11 Jan 2020, 8:52:44 UTC - in response to Message 94850.  

Ah, but under the Activity tab on the BOINC GUI there is a Suspend option, which does exactly what the OP says (and has caught me out a couple of times - behaves as one would expect Snooze to)
That's a bug, then. See the semantics under the Boinccmd tool:

--set_run_mode {always | auto | never} [ duration ]
Set run mode.
always: do CPU work always
auto: do work only when allowed by preferences
never: don't do work
If duration is zero or absent, this mode is permanent. Otherwise, after 'duration' seconds elapse, revert to last permanent mode.
and the same for GPUs and networking. We use that in, for example, the SETI bench test suite - stop normal production while a test is being run, and restart it at the end. BOINC Manager uses the same control tools, although the nuts and bolts are hidden under the hood. When I get some spare time, I'll look in the code to see how those menu entries are hooked into the GUI RPC procedure calls.
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Message 96200 - Posted: 29 Feb 2020, 11:39:31 UTC

One can suspend a project, after which Boinc desides to load more tasks from another project.
Or suspend a task, after which Boinc decides to load more tasks from that same project.
In both cases Boinc will start crunching again.

The most effective way to stop Boinc, is to go to 'activity', and suspend the CPU.
Suspending the CPU will also suspend the GPUs.
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Richard Haselgrove
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Message 96202 - Posted: 29 Feb 2020, 11:46:05 UTC - in response to Message 96200.  

Or suspend a task, after which Boinc decides to load more tasks from that same project.
No. Work fetch from a given project is inhibited if a task from that project is suspended.
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Message 96260 - Posted: 2 Mar 2020, 4:18:09 UTC - in response to Message 96202.  

Or suspend a task, after which Boinc decides to load more tasks from that same project.
No. Work fetch from a given project is inhibited if a task from that project is suspended.

You mean, if the project is suspended.
If there's one paused task in queue, the client still redownloads more, until it has enough tasks to satisfy it's daily task buffer (eg preload tasks for 1 day, and there'll be a whole list of tasks it will download).
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Message 96261 - Posted: 2 Mar 2020, 5:41:24 UTC - in response to Message 96260.  

Or suspend a task, after which Boinc decides to load more tasks from that same project.
No. Work fetch from a given project is inhibited if a task from that project is suspended.

You mean, if the project is suspended.
If there's one paused task in queue, the client still redownloads more, until it has enough tasks to satisfy it's daily task buffer (eg preload tasks for 1 day, and there'll be a whole list of tasks it will download).

I haven't seen that behavior, however I have seen this, many times:

3/2/2020 12:32:49 AM | Amicable Numbers | Sending scheduler request: To report completed tasks.
3/2/2020 12:32:49 AM | Amicable Numbers | Reporting 1 completed tasks
3/2/2020 12:32:49 AM | Amicable Numbers | Not requesting tasks: some task is suspended via Manager
3/2/2020 12:32:51 AM | Amicable Numbers | Scheduler request completed

Richard is correct, and this has been how BOINC works for as long as I can remember.
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Richard Haselgrove
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Message 96264 - Posted: 2 Mar 2020, 7:26:52 UTC - in response to Message 96260.  

If there's one paused task in queue, the client still redownloads more, until it has enough tasks to satisfy it's daily task buffer (eg preload tasks for 1 day, and there'll be a whole list of tasks it will download).
I've seen people report that, but the key is that 'RE-downloads' - tasks which you have lost through some mishap may be re-sent while some other task is suspended. It should never happen in normal usage.
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Message 97764 - Posted: 16 Apr 2020, 20:34:50 UTC

I'm getting this too. I'm on Mac and running 7.16.6.
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Message 97776 - Posted: 17 Apr 2020, 8:56:52 UTC - in response to Message 96260.  

Or suspend a task, after which Boinc decides to load more tasks from that same project.
No. Work fetch from a given project is inhibited if a task from that project is suspended.

You mean, if the project is suspended.
If there's one paused task in queue, the client still redownloads more, until it has enough tasks to satisfy it's daily task buffer (eg preload tasks for 1 day, and there'll be a whole list of tasks it will download).

Not on any of the versions I have had recently. I get a message saying something like, "Not requesting work, some task is suspended in manager."
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Message boards : BOINC Manager : Manual suspend keeps getting reset

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