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Richard Haselgrove
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Message 85245 - Posted: 15 Mar 2018, 17:48:13 UTC - in response to Message 85241.  
Last modified: 15 Mar 2018, 18:11:25 UTC

Yea you're probably right bout the KKK but sure I saw a doco on the beeb maybe last year or the year before where a reporter " went inside " a " klan " meeting and seamed to me the KKK was fairly " into " the Bible , think it was on BBC 3 but can't be 100% sure where I saw this program or it's name
There was a programme on BBC2 (repeated on BBC4) in association with the Open University - fronted by Neil Oliver.

Scotland and the Klan:

Scotland has exported many great things to the rest of the world, and people like Neil Oliver have often celebrated the disproportionate impact of its ideas and energy on places like America. The role of Scots in shaping the concept of the American Dream is a story often told, but could Scottish settlers have also had a hand in America's racist nightmare?

Neil Oliver travels over 2,000 miles to examine links between racism today in the Deep South and the Scottish settlers that first occupied it. Throughout the 18th century, hundreds of thousands of Scots emigrated to America, and some believe that it was their wariness and moral certainty that significantly shaped the south into an isolated, fearful society that easily took to slave-owning when the opportunity came.

Walter Scott, the creator of a romantic vision of the 'Old Country' is blamed for reinforcing their fantasy world of Georgian gentility. When that world was threatened, the southern states opted for civil war rather than give it up. After the devastating war, attitudes in the south were hardened by defeat and fear of the now-freed slaves. When six Scottish-American former Confederate officers formed a fraternal society, clan turned to Klan.

The oldest and most feared racist hate group in America - the Ku Klux Klan - was born. Now, well over 800 hate groups stalk the United States, and Neil finishes his journey by visiting the Neo-Confederate League of the South. The League advocates a return to a separate southern society run by what they call 'Anglo Celts', and Neil discovers that here Scottishness still abides and that attitudes don't seem to have changed much in the last 200-300 years.
The full programme is not currently available - only a couple of clips are available - but I remember Neil visiting the birthplace of the KKK and being shown the original commemorative plaque with the names of the six founders.

Edit - found I've still got it on my digibox. According to the plaque, the KKK was founded on 24 December, 1865, in the law office of Judge Thomas M. Jones.
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Sirius B

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Message 85246 - Posted: 15 Mar 2018, 18:18:37 UTC
Last modified: 15 Mar 2018, 18:20:06 UTC

It really is amazing how some people can reside in Ivory Towers.

Private conversation

What's up May? Scared that the residents of Grenfell Tower would have tore you to pieces?

Funny that the Mayor of London & Her Majesty had no "security concerns" when they "conversed" with them.

Ah but she's a politician so we must respect her position say some...

...B/S say many.

Edited for spelling.
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ProfileGary Charpentier

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Message 85247 - Posted: 15 Mar 2018, 18:39:02 UTC - in response to Message 85241.  

Oh I have. Every year the local South Korean community take over a local pub garden and put on a food festival. I went 2 years ago. About 10 stalls all cooking whatever it was. I went round each one and asked what the food was. All I got was "me no speakee english". Finally found some guy that had pidgin english and told him i wasn't eating what I didn't know it was. He just shrugged his shoulders. It's well advertised but it's only for themselves really.

That ain't exactly the same as trying to build a church in say Saudi Arabia or China really is it , like Richard said there's good and bad people everywhere bit unfair to base a whole community one a small selection of people belonging to that " culture " in't it

Well, that's a bit unfair too. They have lots and lots of Chris clones come up to their stall and ask what is it? It isn't bangers and mash or any other thing you are likely to have ever seen before staying in an uptight everything must be uniform enclave. Now I know Chris has his PETA restriction on eating animals, but the vendors have heard the bile a thousand times before. They have heard the yucks and ewws and all the other noises people make when they find out what things other humans find delicious. As long as they are practicing food safety it won't kill you. And Chris might have a better experience simply saying he is a vegetarian, do you have any vegetarian dishes? Does it matter if it is a plant you have never heard of before or must it be a carrot?
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Message 85270 - Posted: 16 Mar 2018, 13:58:00 UTC

I've moved over everything about the Seti skeletons in the closet to a thread of its own. I'd appreciate it that if there's anything else you want said about it that you do it in that thread (Old Relics). In the end we'll probably lock & hide it.

Some of the posts may have had part discussions about what's going on in this thread, I can't help it, I moved everything that sounded suspiciously like a creaking skeleton over to the other thread.

Please try to keep the discussions here civilized. Any personal attacks - no matter how veiled - will in the future be met with a 24 hour temp ban and removal of your post.
You've managed to all do so during the time Chris was on his self-declared sabbatical, so you ought to be able to do it now. Just because he attacks, doesn't mean you get to do it back. The warning however is for everyone, including Chris.
If as a result of anything in this post you want to leave these forums, please be my guest and just go.
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ProfileGary Charpentier

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Message 85275 - Posted: 16 Mar 2018, 19:38:09 UTC - in response to Message 85270.  

I've moved over everything about the Seti skeletons in the closet to a thread of its own. I'd appreciate it that if there's anything else you want said about it that you do it in that thread (Old Relics). In the end we'll probably lock & hide it.
Just because, saved in the wayback machine.
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ProfileGary Charpentier

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Message 85318 - Posted: 20 Mar 2018, 13:33:05 UTC

Ah, nothing is stone
EDINBURGH (Reuters) - - A legal attempt by anti-Brexit campaigners to establish that Britain could unilaterally reverse Brexit was given a boost on Tuesday by Scotland’s top court, which said it wants to examine the case in greater depth.
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Sirius B

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Message 85319 - Posted: 20 Mar 2018, 14:17:23 UTC

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Mark Stevenson

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Message 85320 - Posted: 20 Mar 2018, 14:52:00 UTC - in response to Message 85318.  

A legal attempt by anti-Brexit campaigners to establish that Britain could unilaterally reverse Brexit was given a boost on Tuesday by Scotland’s top court

I always 4t the " top " court in Gt Britain was in London NOT Scotland so this ain't going to do much and has been sooooo high on all the news channels over here but then your " co#kwomble in chief " would call it fake news wouldn't he :-)
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ProfileGary Charpentier

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Message 85321 - Posted: 20 Mar 2018, 15:35:36 UTC - in response to Message 85320.  

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ProfileGary Charpentier

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Message 85322 - Posted: 20 Mar 2018, 15:55:19 UTC

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Mark Stevenson

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Message 85324 - Posted: 20 Mar 2018, 17:55:30 UTC - in response to Message 85321.  


Really ?? you live in the USA and are a citizen of that country so even if you don't like him Trump's still your president , that's like me saying if Labour had won the general election here Corbyn weren't my P.M , he would of been even if he's a scum socialist IRA loving piece of sh#te .
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ProfileGary Charpentier

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Message 85331 - Posted: 20 Mar 2018, 19:29:15 UTC - in response to Message 85324.  
Last modified: 20 Mar 2018, 19:29:26 UTC


Really ?? you live in the USA and are a citizen of that country so even if you don't like him Trump's still your president , that's like me saying if Labour had won the general election here Corbyn weren't my P.M , he would of been even if he's a scum socialist IRA loving piece of sh#te .

No difference than Rumper's birther crap.
ID: 85331 · Report as offensive
Admiral Gloval

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Message 85335 - Posted: 20 Mar 2018, 20:19:57 UTC

Chris asked for me to post this. So I am.
A very good question. But I will have to answer this in Politics. You know what the moderation here is like, anything of that nature will be moved there anyway. Don't forget also the trussed up dogs in cages in South Korea and Taiwan waiting to be boiled alive for their dinner table.

Don't want to post this in the forums.
I did some internet searching a bit back. The reason for boiling is that (they think) the more gruesome the death the more tasteful the meat will be.
The fur trade was just as heinous. If you remove a complete hide. Please do it on a dead animal. I don't want a animal walking and breathing just waiting for the Grim Reaper to finish it off.
Makes one cry for the helpless ones.

I wish you would post that on the boards ........

Google "Fur trade skinned alive". The dinner table one is one I don't remember ATM.
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Sirius B

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Message 85336 - Posted: 20 Mar 2018, 20:35:36 UTC - in response to Message 85335.  

There are many ills in the world that does not suit every one's palate.
All any "civilised" nation can do is to ensure that such cruelty does not occur in theirs.
As for animals being boiled alive elsewhere in the world, it is shocking but not my immediate concern.
What is though is this:
How any "civilised" nation can allow "so-called civilised adults" to abuse children & hand down paltry custodial sentences if any that is is more important.
Maybe once ills such as that gets resolved, one can look to cruelty to animals.
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ProfilePickled Onion Monster Munch

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Message 85337 - Posted: 20 Mar 2018, 20:55:50 UTC - in response to Message 85336.  

There are many ills in the world that does not suit every one's palate.
All any "civilised" nation can do is to ensure that such cruelty does not occur in theirs.
As for animals being boiled alive elsewhere in the world, it is shocking but not my immediate concern.
What is though is this:
How any "civilised" nation can allow "so-called civilised adults" to abuse children & hand down paltry custodial sentences if any that is is more important.
Maybe once ills such as that gets resolved, one can look to cruelty to animals.
ID: 85337 · Report as offensive
Sirius B

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Message 85338 - Posted: 20 Mar 2018, 21:07:10 UTC - in response to Message 85337.  

Nice to be a "moral, ethical & intellectual councillor".
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Message 85341 - Posted: 20 Mar 2018, 21:47:38 UTC - in response to Message 85336.  

Maybe once ills such as that gets resolved, one can look to cruelty to animals.

I'm able to multitask on this.
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Sirius B

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Message 85342 - Posted: 20 Mar 2018, 21:50:10 UTC

Another loss of heritage :-(

The Gloster Meteor T7, based at Coventry airport, is going to a museum in Detroit.
The aircraft was the first jet fighter used by the RAF and powered by engines designed by Sir Frank Whittle.
"Queenie is the oldest jet flying in the world.
WTF is wrong with this country?
ID: 85342 · Report as offensive
Sirius B

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Message 85343 - Posted: 20 Mar 2018, 21:51:57 UTC - in response to Message 85341.  

Maybe once ills such as that gets resolved, one can look to cruelty to animals.

I'm able to multitask on this.
Good for you!
Mind you America is just as bad as here but with a big difference - There they massacre their kids in schools.
ID: 85343 · Report as offensive
ProfileGary Charpentier

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Message 85346 - Posted: 20 Mar 2018, 22:02:58 UTC - in response to Message 85335.
The smell we associate with freshly cut grass is actually a chemical distress call, one used by plants to beg nearby critters to save them from attack (usually it's an affront by insects, but in this case, it's lawnmower blades). After all, when danger strikes -- whether it's landscaping equipment or a hungry caterpillar -- plants can't lift their roots and run. They must fight where they stand.
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