Thread 'BOINC shows 0 tasks, but it is running when charging'

Message boards : Android : BOINC shows 0 tasks, but it is running when charging
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Joined: 29 Jan 15
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United States
Message 78388 - Posted: 30 May 2017, 17:14:41 UTC

Hello all,

I noticed that when I look on the boinc app for my android phone I see that the number of tasks is 0. However when I drag the notification window I see that all the cores are working and the task names appear there.

Did anyone else experience something like this? Is the only solution to finish all the apps and then uninstall and re-install the app?

Thank you
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Message 79217 - Posted: 22 Jun 2017, 22:08:37 UTC - in response to Message 78388.  
Last modified: 22 Jun 2017, 22:09:19 UTC

Since no one replied I just wanted to add what happened after a few days of seeing this.

I believe the issue was that there were by accident more than 100 tasks downloaded onto my phone. The work units (FightAIDS@home) were small and I usually give my phone a lot of space to use. After I momentarily stopped downloading new work units the number got down to 70 and all the tasks appeared as if there were no issues.

I am not sure if this is a bug, but if you experience it, just pause the download of new work units and let the workunits that are there finish.
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Message 79507 - Posted: 8 Jul 2017, 16:27:07 UTC - in response to Message 79217.  

Since no one replied I just wanted to add what happened after a few days of seeing this.

I believe the issue was that there were by accident more than 100 tasks downloaded onto my phone. The work units (FightAIDS@home) were small and I usually give my phone a lot of space to use. After I momentarily stopped downloading new work units the number got down to 70 and all the tasks appeared as if there were no issues.

I am not sure if this is a bug, but if you experience it, just pause the download of new work units and let the workunits that are there finish.

On my Landvo octo cores (7 out of 8 running), I see maximum of 163 WUs
On my Allview octo cores (7 out of 8 running), I get the same issue as you, where I guess I have more than 163 WUs downloaded :)
ID: 79507 · Report as offensive

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Joined: 29 Jan 15
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Message 79533 - Posted: 11 Jul 2017, 19:35:23 UTC - in response to Message 79507.  

Hi cristipurdel,

Good to hear that I am not having a weird issue. :)

The good thing is that at least it crunches, but yea my "new" solution is to just limit the number of space the work units can occupy. I moved it down to 10% and made sure that at least 2gigs of my phone are free (I have a samsung J7). That fixed it.
ID: 79533 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Android : BOINC shows 0 tasks, but it is running when charging

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