Popular Urban Myths & Conspiracy Theories Part 2

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Sir Rodney Ffing

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Message 80455 - Posted: 24 Aug 2017, 14:09:53 UTC - in response to Message 80426.  

you obviously are a a loose end with nothing useful to do.

I have a household chore to attend to.

Waiting for delivery of a signed contract representing eighteen months of hard work and successfully renegotiated to begin recompense to a community impacted by a mining corporation, may be "nothing useful" to you, sir, but it means a lot to many I hold in far higher esteem. :-) At almost 11,000 km from home and a flight into Singapore and Macau still to come, household chores do not offer one an excuse to flee a message board when caught on the back foot, as you have been on so many occasions of late. I trust stringing your beads went well however.
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Sirius B

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Message 80458 - Posted: 24 Aug 2017, 16:40:56 UTC - in response to Message 80447.  
Last modified: 24 Aug 2017, 16:41:17 UTC

There is certainly some evidence of "lost" civilisations, that may or not have had knowledge that we don't seem to possess today.
That's strange of you stating that. Considering that you have ridiculed many thoughts & ideas put forward that it "may" be possible that man achieved many things earlier than what is currently known. Suffering from a bit of ADHD are we as it seems you keep forgetting or fail to comprehend what you've posted.
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Mark Stevenson

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Message 80459 - Posted: 24 Aug 2017, 19:13:42 UTC - in response to Message 80456.  

Doing this post on my mobile relaxing enjoying a couple of bottles of wine and a few smokes with the girlfriend waiting for FP1 tomorrow morning :-) so hope the links are clickable if they ain't my fault sorry in advance .
what about the hole in Antarctica near where the secret Nazi bace is ???
shhhhh, that's on a need to know basis :-))

think you should check out the web ain't exactly secret there ;-)
here's the wiki link bout " New Swabialand "
New Swabia (Norwegian and German: Neuschwabenland) is a cartographic name sometimes given to an area of Antarctica between 20°E and 10°W in Queen Maud Land, which is claimed as a Norwegian dependent territory under the Antarctic Treaty System. New Swabia was explored by Germany in early 1939 and named after that expedition's ship, the Schwabenland, itself named after the German region of Swabia

Link to wiki page

And here's die glocke
This one is " fairly " well known but think there may be something to it
Die Glocke (pronounced [diː ˈɡlɔkə], German for "The Bell") was a purported top secret Nazi scientific technological device, secret weapon, or Wunderwaffe. Described by Polish journalist and author Igor Witkowski in Prawda o Wunderwaffe (2000), it was later popularized by military journalist and author Nick Cook as well as by writers such as Joseph P. Farrell (fr) and others who associate it with Nazi occultism and antigravity or free energy research
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Sirius B

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Message 80461 - Posted: 24 Aug 2017, 19:33:52 UTC - in response to Message 80459.  

And here's die glocke
This one is " fairly " well known but think there may be something to it
Die Glocke (pronounced [diː ˈɡlɔkə], German for "The Bell") was a purported top secret Nazi scientific technological device, secret weapon, or Wunderwaffe. Described by Polish journalist and author Igor Witkowski in Prawda o Wunderwaffe (2000), it was later popularized by military journalist and author Nick Cook as well as by writers such as Joseph P. Farrell (fr) and others who associate it with Nazi occultism and antigravity or free energy research
Also fictionised by James Becker in one of his "Chris Bronson" series of books "Echo of the Reich". It's amazing where reading a good book takes one. His details regarding "the bell" was too detailed which made me research it after finishing the book :-)
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Mark Stevenson

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Message 80471 - Posted: 25 Aug 2017, 18:09:41 UTC - in response to Message 80461.  
Last modified: 25 Aug 2017, 18:11:55 UTC

Also fictionised by James Becker in one of his "Chris Bronson" series of books "Echo of the Reich". It's amazing where reading a good book takes one. His details regarding "the bell" was too detailed which made me research it after finishing the book :-)

I ain't read any books about " Die Glock " but have seen a few doco's on you tube and other places , if it was / is true probably stranger than fiction , either it's still in the Wensaslass mine flooded / buried or it was " had away " by either the USA or USSR i recon and personaly i DON'T trust either of em !!!! ;-) , another thing about this story i do belive is the Nazi's killed the scientists working on the project so they couldn't pass on their knowledge .
another thing that ain't " directly " connected with this if the Hortom bro's and their plane that's very " stealth " like but then everyone knows the USA DID let some people get away with murder , just coz it suited their " interests " !!!
ID: 80471 · Report as offensive
Sir Rodney Ffing

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Message 80487 - Posted: 27 Aug 2017, 17:19:03 UTC - in response to Message 80456.  

Enjoy your vacation on your Company's expense account.
You have excelled yourself, Mr S. A boorish smear on a public board without a single fact in its excrement. Be grateful I am not in a litigious mood.

When you get back home, you might drop a letter of thanks through this.

We of course are not in any way aware of a Far East mining corporation. If you have concerns please post them.
I have no doubt of your ignorance, sir. The hard work invested by many into bringing this agreement to successful fruition, relied on diligent research, field studies and fact gathering. Our approach plays to cultural and political variances, adapted to give advantage to those we represent. To risk all that on just one of your posts, Mr S, would be foolish.

Meanwhile, have a look at property prices where you currently are, It might be possible to re-locate your family to an area of the world where you might feel more relaxed.
You have broadened your horizons. :-) I am more used to seeing the recommendation that your fellow citizens vacate your islands, sir.

Meanwhile enjoy the trip.
My enjoyment of trips abroad is dependant on the company of my wife and family, Mr S. They are not with me.

I would suggest you cease judging others by your own standards of conduct, sir - but I would be wasting breath waiting for that to happen. ;-)
ID: 80487 · Report as offensive
Mark Stevenson

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Message 80488 - Posted: 27 Aug 2017, 18:12:42 UTC
Last modified: 27 Aug 2017, 18:15:01 UTC

Let's try to get this thread back onto conspiricys shall we ? If you don't like it you can happily say it to my face and i'll quite hapily answer you !!! you can take that any way you want but it ain't any threat more a promise .
Back at the hotel after a good time was had watching the race and my heart bleed for Max verstappen honestly ( sarcasam if you can't tell nearly p.m.s.l when it happend :-) :-) .

Found this on the ATS website about Die glock seams to be a few theorys there here's the 1st three .
I looked around and did not find a post with a well put together summary of the bell's discription and effects when being tested. This being the case I compiled some information from Nick Cook, Igor Witkowski, and Joseph Farrell's books and present it here for others interested in the subject. I am excluding the conspiracy surrounding the bell and only presenting a condensed version of the attributes of the bell.

Die Glocke

The project began being called "Tor", meaning gate, in January 1942. Later the program was split into "Chronos", meaning time and "Laternentrager", meaning lantern bearer. The first experiments were carried out in May and June 1944.

I looked around and did not find a post with a well put together summary of the bell's discription and effects when being tested. This being the case I compiled some information from Nick Cook, Igor Witkowski, and Joseph Farrell's books and present it here for others interested in the subject. I am excluding the conspiracy surrounding the bell and only presenting a condensed version of the attributes of the bell.

Die Glocke

another slant on the same device

There have been numerous rumors of a German experimental weapon called "Die Glocke" during the later years of WW2 that was a vertically mounted bell-shaped device. Descriptions of the purpose of this object vary widely, with some stories stating that it had some sort of "Area effect" that gelled or crystallized the blood and melted organic matter (supposedly five scientists died while working on this project), while other stories state that it was an Anti-gravity machine. Other aspects of it are either unexplained, like descriptions of it having two counterrotating wheels full of some sort of purple mercury, or one description that states it was made of heavy steel and others that describe it as being made of thin alloys.

So I was looking up the propellant-less drive (EMdrive) that has been in all the science news outlets lately, and realized that a lot of the descriptions of the general shape of this device looks a lot like the waveguide shape of the EM drive. So here's my supposition: I think the Nazis were attempting to harness this effect to create propellentless propulsion. I know that Radar and microwave science was still pretty young in the 40's, and the EMdrive works(still hypthetically, I might add) by emitting microwaves in a waveguide, and I wonder if the reports of the "area effect" damage the device did was a somewhat over-exaggerated description of the effects of pumping ridiculous amounts of electricity into a large microwave emitter.


And there's even a Dr strangelove type thread ;-)
The Nazi Bell - Doomsday Weapon

Called "Die Glocke" in German meaning "The Bell" this weapon project may hold the key to explaining much of recent hsitory including the JFK and RFK assassinations, but it may be even bigger than that, directing the entire destiny of the world itself in our modern era.

The project was called "Project Chronos", meaning "Project Time" and it was given the highest possible classification, that being "decisive for the war".

The term "Bell" derives from the shape of the vessel which resembled a bell being metallic and nine feet wide and 12 to 15 feet tall. This project was conducted at the Wenceslaus mine which is near the village of Ludwickowice Klodzkie, Poland. This location is important for it is in the direct path of the advancing Red Army. It is also important that it was not located within Germany itself.

Our sources for the Bell are only Igor Witkowski, a Polish journalist who claims to have seen the KGB interrogation transcripts of SS Officer Jakob Sporrenberg and Rainer Karlsch's book on the German nuclear program where he states that scientists from the Univeristy of Giessen were travelling to and from the "henge" as the site is also called because of a stone henge like structure at the site.

And how about this for a theory ?? It's well known the Nazi's were working on a nuclear bomb of their own and there's even rumors the Nazi's were the first to explode a atomic bomb In one of their battles against the Russians but this is another different conspiricy but interesting how things seam to tie together when you think they would be unrelated .
Nazi Bell was a Urainium 233 breeder
The Nazi Bell did exist because it was referred to in a classified intelligence report of Argentina's Economic Ministry in 1945 declassified in 1993 and again in classified Polish post war interrogations of Jakob Sporrenberg which were declassified 1998.

These reports were cross corroborated by Tom Agoston's interviews with Kammler's deputy Dr Wilhem Voss who was in hiding from the Nuremberg trials.

I don't however buy the anti-gravity claims as anything more than a disinformation campaign latched on to by a great number of sincere believers.

The Nazi Bell was in fact an Accelerator Driven nuclear reactor (ADS device) to breed Uranium U233 from Thorium 232 for an A-bomb. Nazi Germany was not in 1944 looking for anti-gravity breakthroughs.

Anyone who follows the history of Nazi Germany will realise that Germany had very limited resources and in 1944, all efforts were being directed towards breakthough wonder weapons. In particular huge resources were poured into nuclear weapons development. Dornberger disclosed under British internment that Hitler had told him the V2 was destined to have a far more important warhead than mere explosives.

I know the atomic bomb droped on Hiroshima was a gun type device using urainium 235 but atomic explosives are possible with uranium 233 and a few other elements that are not commonly known as Uranium 235 and Plutonium 239
Now time to relax before heading for the ferry either tomorrow or Tuesday :-)
ID: 80488 · Report as offensive
Sirius B

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Message 80490 - Posted: 27 Aug 2017, 19:38:38 UTC - in response to Message 80487.  

Meanwhile, have a look at property prices where you currently are, It might be possible to re-locate your family to an area of the world where you might feel more relaxed.
You have broadened your horizons. :-) I am more used to seeing the recommendation that your fellow citizens vacate your islands, sir.
It's his No 1 conspiracy - Confusion :-)
ID: 80490 · Report as offensive
Sirius B

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Message 80494 - Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 7:26:05 UTC - in response to Message 80492.  

People make a good living peddling this sort of stuff.
Yep & there are many who buy the books :-)
ID: 80494 · Report as offensive
Sirius B

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Message 80502 - Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 10:25:53 UTC - in response to Message 80501.  

You see, you can't be fully aware of any subject without reading and considering others opinions about it. Having done that, you then make up your own mind and then stick by your own opinions. Otherwise you become isolationist in your beliefs. It is an easy trap to fall into with no friends and family, living on your own, and making an artificial life on the internet, only compounds the problem.
You mean to say you realise others have opinions other than yourself? Wow, miracles will never cease :-) Then again there are those who say "miracles" are just conspiracies to hogwash the gullible.
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Sirius B

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Message 80508 - Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 14:38:47 UTC - in response to Message 80506.  

Probably the immigrants, a proportion of which shouldn't be in the country anyway.

It's a conspiracy I tell ya. Blame the Jeermans :-)
ID: 80508 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier

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Message 80509 - Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 14:51:24 UTC - in response to Message 80492.  

Even people of limited education will be aware that the British do not use litter or trash cans, we use rubbish bins.
British rubbish belongs on a trash heap. ;-)
ID: 80509 · Report as offensive
Sir Rodney Ffing

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Message 80511 - Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 15:49:02 UTC - in response to Message 80505.  

Even people of limited education will be aware that the British do not use litter or trash cans, we use rubbish bins
Google images puts that trash can in London. :-)))
To mention their capital city, syffy c, is ill-tolerated by some of its outlanders. ;-) To mitigate a false statement, with facts, for some "Greater [redacted]" residents - is even more so. ;-)
ID: 80511 · Report as offensive
Sir Rodney Ffing

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Message 80513 - Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 16:15:03 UTC - in response to Message 80512.  

ID: 80513 · Report as offensive
Sirius B

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Message 80514 - Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 16:19:43 UTC - in response to Message 80512.  

Chill out old boy, you're liable to burst a blood vessel with all that shouting. Take a walk down to your local corner shop & grab a Polish beer :-)
ID: 80514 · Report as offensive
Sirius B

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Message 80516 - Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 16:38:38 UTC - in response to Message 80515.  

British investment
Closing the stable door after the horse has bolted again. All those lovely immigrants making it across :-)

Definitely a conspiracy! Populate London with low paid workers to upset "The Few" Londoners remaining :-)

Never in the field of British Poltics, has so many laughed at the few :-)
ID: 80516 · Report as offensive
Sir Rodney Ffing

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Message 80517 - Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 16:42:26 UTC - in response to Message 80515.  
Last modified: 28 Aug 2017, 17:07:07 UTC

British investment
When a nation sells more military hardware to a rogue state than its own forces have at their disposal, Sir - upgrading a monitoring station that lies between them and that customer might not be as welcomed as one might think. ;-)

edit: a point clearly omitted in the piece.
ID: 80517 · Report as offensive
Sir Rodney Ffing

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Message 80520 - Posted: 28 Aug 2017, 19:26:31 UTC - in response to Message 80518.  

I am quite sure that the Chronicle would be interested to hear what some of their readers get up to in their spare time, as indeed would their families.
Then it is as well you partly documented your activities for them, Mr S. :) The Panorama is less inclined to require spoonfeeding.

I am greatly heartened by your response nevertheless. Your switch of focus from the Netherlands to Gibraltar is welcomed. ;-)
ID: 80520 · Report as offensive
Mark Stevenson

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Message 80526 - Posted: 29 Aug 2017, 11:04:32 UTC - in response to Message 80525.  
Last modified: 29 Aug 2017, 11:06:08 UTC


Don't you dare start on Sedonia mate i clicked on your link and reconised the face 1! The rovers that have been sent to Mars over the last few years have seen some interesting things ( even Beagle 2's crash site :-( :-( ) and some of the photo's are on the web , chances are any on the nASA site have been " touched up " shall we say ;-)
ID: 80526 · Report as offensive
Mark Stevenson

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Message 80528 - Posted: 29 Aug 2017, 11:29:39 UTC - in response to Message 80527.  
Last modified: 29 Aug 2017, 11:33:17 UTC

And we all thought that they came from Venus :-)))

Hi Chris i'm back on Uk time now im home WITHOUT any problems ;-) ( you know exactly what i mean there hehe )

I know a few conspiricy theoys bout venus , if you want to go there , start with googleing Venus and John Lear ( son of the lear jet bloke used to fly planes for the C.I.A and is " involved " with a few others , Area 51 / Robert L , Dulsie to name a couple )

edit :

Sedonia is a area on Mars where the " face " is situated and pyramids , bit surprised you missed the pyramid link there but " pyramids on mars " can also link to Dr who can't it ;-) ( should know got all the dvd's but that ain't exactly the same thing
ID: 80528 · Report as offensive
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