Applications and version Note: an app's job parameters are taken from a job for that app. They can also be specified by adding tags to client_state.xml. See -------------------------- Hardware summary 0 CPUs, 0.0 GFLOPS Preferences summary work buf min 8640.000000 max 51840.000000 Scheduling period 3600.000000 Scheduling policies Round-robin only: no Scheduler EDF simulation: no REC half-life: 864000.000000 Jobs Simulation parameters time step 60.000000, duration 86400.000000 ------------------- Simulation done. ------------------------- Figures of merit: wasted fraction -nan Idle fraction -nan Share violation -nan Monotony -nan RPCs per job 0.000000 ------------------------- Simulator CPU time: 0.120621 secs ------------------------- Peak FLOPS: CPU 0.00G GPU 0.00G