
Version 2 (modified by davea, 17 years ago) (diff)


xadd - tool for adding database items

xadd adds platform and application records to the BOINC database. Information is read from an XML file project.xml in the project's root directory. Run xadd from the project root directory, i.e.:

cd ~/projects/project_name

The contents of project.xml should look like this:

        [ <min_version>N</min_version> ]
        [ <homogeneous_redundancy>0|1</homogeneous_redundancy> ]
        [ <weight>X</weight> ]
        [ <beta>1</beta> ]
        <user_friendly_name>Mac OS X</user_friendly_name>

The "name" of each item should be short and without spaces or other special characters. The "user friendly name" (shown to end users) has no restrictions. An example project.xml file is in source/tools/.

xadd only adds new items; entries that conflict with existing database entries are ignored.