= Single jobs = BOINC is designed to handle streams of millions of jobs. However, you can also submit single jobs for remote execution. To do this, configure your BOINC server to handle single jobs (see below). Then type {{{ boinc_job [boinc-options] program [program-options] }}} The boinc-options are: '''--infile name''':: specifies an input file. '''--stdin name''':: direct the given file to the program's stdin. '''--outfile name''':: specifies an output file. '''--stdout name''':: the program's stdout will be directed to the given file. '''--platform''':: the program is to be run on the given [[BoincPlatforms platform]] (default: i686-pc-linux-gnu). You can include as many --infile and --outfile options as you want, and at most one of others. The '''program-options''' will be passed as command-line arguments to the program when it runs on the remote machine. If the program requires any non-standard libraries, link these statically. Otherwise it will fail on machines that lack these libraries. When the job is completed successfully, the output files will appear in the job directory. == Configuring BOINC for single jobs == Download the latest server code and upgrade your project. Make sure you have boinc_samples/ installed. Then cd to your project's home directory and type {{{ html/ops/single_job_setup path-to-boinc-samples bin/update_versions }}} and answer "y" to all questions.