= Setting up a BOINC server = == Using a virtual machine == The easiest (and recommended) way to set up a BOINC server is in a [VirtualMachines virtual machine] that we've created for that purpose, with all the necessary software already installed. You can run this virtual machine using the [http://www.vmware.com/download/player/ VMWare player] and any Intel-based computer (Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X). If you take this approach, skip the rest of this page. == Using a real machine == You can potentially use any Unix system as a BOINC server (we recommend using a recent Linux release). Set up the machine as follows. === Groups and permissions === BOINC server programs run as two different users: * The scheduler and file upload handler are CGI programs, so they run as the same user as the web server (typically user 'apache', group 'apache'). * BOINC daemons runs as whoever created the project (let's say user 'boincadm', group 'boinc'). By default, the directories created by user apache are not world-writeable. This causes problems: for example, when the file upload handler creates a directory in the [DirHierarchy upload hierarchy], it's owned by (apache, apache), and the [http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/wiki/FileDeleter file deleter] (which runs as boincadm) won't be able to delete the files there. To solve this problem, edit /etc/group so that apache belongs to group boinc, i.e. the line: {{{ boinc:x:566: }}} becomes: {{{ boinc:x:566:apache }}} (Apache will need to be stopped/restarted for this to take effect.) When you create a BOINC project using [MakeProject make_project], the critical directories are owned by boincadm and have the set-GID bit set; this means that any directories or files created by apache in those directories will have group boinc (not group apache). The BOINC software makes all directories group read/write. Thus, both apache and boinc will have read/write access to all directories and files, but other users will have no access. To fix permissions on an existing project, do: {{{ chmod 02770 upload chmod 02770 html/cache chmod 02770 html/inc chmod 02770 html/languages chmod 02770 html/languages/compiled chmod 02770 html/user_profiles }}} You may also need to change the ownership of these directories and all their subdirectories to boincadm/boinc. If you're running several projects on the same server and want to isolate them from each other, you can create a different user and group for each project, and add apache to all of the groups. === Installing BOINC software === * Download and install whatever [SoftwarePrereqsUnix software prerequisites] are needed on your system. * [SourceCode Download the BOINC software]. * [BuildSystem Configure and build] the BOINC software. === Operating system configuration === Some parts of the BOINC server (the feeder and scheduling server) use shared memory. Hosts where these run must have shared memory enabled, with a maximum segment size of at least 32 MB. How to do this depends on the operating system; some information is [http://developer.postgresql.org/docs/postgres/kernel-resources.html here]. === MySQL notes === * After installing and running the server, grant permissions for your own account and for the account under which Apache runs ('nobody' in the following; may be different on your machine). All mysql accounts should be password protected including root. {{{ mysql -u root grant all on *.* to yourname@localhost identified by 'password'; grant all on *.* to yourname identified by 'password'; grant all on *.* to nobody@localhost identified by 'password'; grant all on *.* to nobody identified by 'password'; }}} * Set your PATH variable to include MySQL programs (typically /usr/local/mysql and /usr/local/mysql/bin). * You'll need to back up your database. Generally this requires stopping the project, making a copy or snapshot, and restarting. An example is [http://boinc.berkeley.edu/mysql_backup.txt here]. * BOINC gets MySQL compiler and linker flags from a program called mysql_config which comes with your MySQL distribution. This sometimes references libraries that are not part of your base system installation, such as -lnsl or -lnss_files. You may need to install additional packages (often you can use something called 'mysql-dev' or 'mysql-devel') or fiddle with Makefiles. * MySQL can be the bottleneck in a BOINC server. To optimize its performance, read about [MysqlConfig configuring MySQL for BOINC]. * [http://boinc.berkeley.edu/mysql_cluster.txt Notes on running MySQL on a cluster]. == MySQLclient notes == * Configure mysql with the --enable-thread-safe-client switch. * Set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to refer to the correct library. === Apache notes === In httpd.conf, set the default MIME type as follows (otherwise you'll get file upload signature verification errors): {{{ DefaultType application/octet-stream }}} To limit denial-of-service attacks, we recommend turning off directory indexing by adding -Indexes to the Options directive. === PHP notes === * Make sure 'magic quotes' are enabled (this is the default). The file /etc/php.ini should contain {{{ magic_quotes_gpc = On }}} * By default, BOINC uses PHP's mail function to send email to participants. This uses sendmail. If this doesn't work, you can use [http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net/ PHPMailer] instead, which is a very flexible mail-sending mechanism. To do this: * Download PHPMailer and put it under PROJECT/html/inc/phpmailer. * Set the following variables in your PROJECT/html/project/project.inc file (substitute your own values): {{{ = true; = "xxx.xxx.xxx"; = "smtp"; }}}