= Server-side file deletion = Files are deleted from the data server's upload and download directories by the '''file_deleter''' daemon. Typically you don't need to customize this. The default file deletion policy is: * A workunit's input files are deleted when all results are 'over' (reported or timed out) and the workunit is assimilated. * A result's output files are deleted after the workunit is assimilated. The canonical result is handled differently, since its output files may be needed to validate results that are reported after assimilation; hence its files are deleted only when all results are over, and all successful results have been validated. * periodically remove 'antiques': files that are older than the oldest WU in the database. These files are created when BOINC clients return after the corresponding WU has been deleted from the database. Command-line options: -d N:: set debug output level (1/2/3) -mod M R:: handle only WUs with ID mod M == R -one_pass:: exit after one pass through DB -dont_retry_errors:: Don't retry file deletions that failed previously. -dont_delete_antiques:: Don't delete antiques -preserve_wu_files:: Update the DB, but don't delete input files -preserve_result_files:: Update the DB, but don't delete output files -dont_delete_batches:: Don't delete anything with positive batch number In some cases you may not want files to be deleted. There are three ways to accomplish this: * Use the -preserve_wu_files and/or the -preserve_result_files command-line options. * Include in the [http://boinc.berkeley.edu/files.php ] element for a file in a [http://boinc.berkeley.edu/tools_work.php workunit or result template]. This lets you suppress deletion on a file-by-file basis. * Include nodelete in the workunit name.