= Berkeley Open System for Skill Aggregation (Bossa) = Bossa is a software framework for ''distributed thinking'' - the use of large numbers of volunteers to accomplish a set of tasks via the Internet. Bossa accommodates a wide range of tasks: * Tasks may be short (performed online via a single web page) or may take several weeks and involve running separate programs. * Tasks may be performed by a single user or by a group of cooperating users. * Tasks may be unvalidated, automatically validated, or validated by comparing redundant instances. Bossa consists of a MySQL database schema and a set of PHP pages. Projects install these components on their server, and add their own PHP scripts to generate, show, and handle tasks. Bossa uses [BoincBasics BOINC Basics] for grouping and communication, and can use [BoltIntro Bolt] for volunteer training. Bossa is under development. For more information, contact [http://boinc.berkeley.edu/anderson/ David Anderson]. See the [BossaRef reference manual] for details of the current implementation. * [BossaTutorial Tutorial] * [BossaReference Reference manual]