= Android/BOINC development items = [[TicketQuery(component=Manager - Android,status=new|accepted|assigned,order=priority,format=table,col=summary|status|component|owner|reporter|priority)]] Some remaining development tasks. Please contact me (David Anderson) and post to boinc_dev if you want to help. * Under the hood * Optimize GUI RPC polling mechanism, i.e. poll data specific to a single Activity within its onResume - onPause lifecycle. * Feasability of GPU computation, e.g. LG Nexus 4's GPU Adreno320 supports openCL 1.2 * Appearance * Use ActionBar instead of TabHost. (requires API Level 11+) * Features * Add suspend/resume controls into Notification * Support attach to account manager * Add SD card support in client '''(working Hugo Puhlmann)''' * move BOINC's projects/ directory to SD card an force move of binaries into slots (executable) * think about how to handle storage status and preferences of clients * Support for x86-based Android devices. This should not require code changes, but adaption of the build process for the boinc client and the dummy library. * Support "user active" detection by including it into status RPC. * Notices tab. * Allow higher resolution project icons and slideshow images * Localization - Translation Notes: * So far we have been using icons found here: http://gentleface.com/free_icon_set.html