BOINC-wide teams
BOINC-wide teams

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July 24 2015: Creation of BOINC-wide teams has been disabled because of spammers. If you want to create a BOINC-wide team, read the following carefully. Then email David Anderson, specifying a team name, email address, and user name.

A 'BOINC-wide team' is one that exists on all BOINC projects, present and future, with an identical name and founder email address.

This site lets you manage a BOINC-wide team. The list of BOINC-wide teams is exported daily and is imported daily by each BOINC project. Teams and accounts that don't already exist on that project are added. If the team exists and has the same owner email address, then its URL, description etc. are updated. It can take up to 48 hours for these updates to occur.

If a BOINC project is failing to import this team list, please notify them. Ask them to read this page and to update to the latest server software.

