Live help in German

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fboerner Either Country: Germany
Usual hours: Mo-Fr abends ab 18.00 Uhr Am Wochenende und an Feiertagen meistens den ganzen Tag, immer wenn ich online bin
Specialties: Windows Mac Linux
Projects: all
11 ratings
Olaf Bornack Either Country: Germany
Specialties: Windows XP
Projects: BOINC alpha test, proteins@home, SETI@home, World Community Grid
318 ratings Chat only Country: Germany
Usual hours: everytime
Specialties: Windows/Unix, Proxy, Router
Projects: alle BOINC Projekte und andere verteilte Rechenprojekte, ABER NICHT PREDICTOR@HOME --------- all BOINC projects and other distributed computing projects, BUT NOT PREDICTOR@HOME
88 ratings
leprechaun@crunchingfamily Either Country: Germany
Usual hours: Taeglich
Specialties: Windows, ausser Vista Boinc Installation, Nutzung, Setup
Projects: CPDN, Spinhenge, RCN, Seti, QMC
21 ratings
thomas Country: Germany
Projects: SETI@home rosetta@home Einstein@Home Spinhenge@home
(no ratings)
Riuangel Either Country: Italy
Specialties: Windows and NAT
8 ratings
Narey Either Country: Switzerland
Usual hours: Vorallem Abends/Nachts, meist ab 18.00 GMT +1
Specialties: Windows, Netzwerk allgemein - Vista noch nicht (Mir ist es bis SP1 kommt eh zu heiss)
Projects: Seti@Home and Chess960@Home
(no ratings)
Pascal Either Country: Germany
Usual hours: Montags bis Freitags von 18-22 Uhr Samstags und Sonntags von 11-22 Uhr
Specialties: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Installationen, Neue Projekte, Anmeldungen, und was ihr sonst noch wissen wollt
Projects: Einstein@Home SETI@Home Project TANPAKU rosetta@Home Predictor@Home Rectilinear Crossing Numbers
1 ratings
sklar2 Country: None
Usual hours: any
Specialties: vista
Projects: any
(no ratings)
Andy Chat only Country: United States
Specialties: I use Windows mostly. If you need help, I can speak English, German, and Spanish. Utilizo Windows todo. Ested necesita ayuda, sé hablo inglés, alemán, y español. Ich verwende Windows meistens. Sie Hilfe benötigen, ich spreche Englisch, Deutsch
(no ratings)
johannes Country: Germany
Usual hours: BERLIN
Specialties: Windows
Projects: Spinhenge
48 ratings
nivell36 Chat only Country: Germany
Specialties: windows
Projects: seti
(no ratings)
eremyt Either Country: Switzerland 300 ratings
CooL-MaN Country: Germany (no ratings)
Yoshi Either Country: Germany
Usual hours: Mo-Fr abends ab 18.00 Uhr Am Wochenende und an Feiertagen meistens den ganzen Tag, immer wenn ich online bin Specialties: Windo
1 ratings
Rebirther Chat only Country: Germany
Usual hours: verschieden / different
Specialties: Windows, VMware (inkl. Linux), BOINC Wrapper, PRPnet
Projects: alle soweit möglich / all if possible
2 ratings
Aprilia1000 Either Country: Germany
Projects: PS3, Superlinkattechnion
(no ratings)
ThomasKlug.Berlin Chat only Country: Germany
Usual hours: GMT +01:00 Amsterdam, Berlin; Rom At Mon.-Sun. noon - 23.00pm
Specialties: Win Xp + Linux/// Routing & Switching/DSL-Anschlüsse und -Varianten (ADSL, ADSL2, ADSL2+, VDSL und VDSL2;Übertragung und Vermittlung, Multiplexmethoden, LAN und WAN;LANs: Ethernet Switching und VLANs, Netzdesign, Power over Ethernet
Projects: Rosetta@home;; Einstein@Home; SETI@home
1 ratings
anX Either Country: Germany (no ratings)
MH-Raiden Chat only Country: Germany
Usual hours: Jeden Tag anders weil ich in der Gastronomie arbeite Every day otherwise cause i´m a gastronomic
Specialties: Windows/Mac
Projects: Rosetta@Home
(no ratings)
latz Either Country: Croatia (no ratings)
renemayer Chat only Country: Germany
Usual hours: times vary. Zeiten variieren.
12 ratings
Sam Cater Either Country: United Kingdom
Usual hours: If I appear online, then I am able to help you :), online almost all the time :)
Specialties: Especially good with Linux computing, Windows also. Not so familiar with Mac.
Projects: SETI@home Rosetta@home QMC@home Einstein@home
8 ratings
roldor Either Country: Germany
Usual hours: 17...22 UTC
Specialties: Windows XP. Wireless
Projects: SETI, EINSTEIN, LEIDEN Classic
16 ratings
micha12344 Chat only Country: Germany
Usual hours: GMT+1, afternoon, evening
Specialties: Windows
Projects: Seti@Home
1 ratings
Erkan Yilmaz @ Either Country: Germany
Usual hours: after work --------- nach der Arbeit
Specialties: Try me, if it is something new, I learn also ! further languages: Turkish, French --------- Versuche es doch einfach, wenn es etwas Neues ist, lerne ich auch dabei ! weitere Sprachen: Tuerkisch, Franzoesisch
Projects: alle BOINC Projekte und andere verteilte Rechenprojekte --------- all BOINC projects and other distributed computing projects
(no ratings)
alx.offical Either Country: Germany 1 ratings
Mads Warming Either Country: Denmark
Usual hours: Mostly available in weekends and afternoons/evenings. Time zone: CET (UTC+1)
Projects: Climate Prediction DrugDiscovery@Home Enigma@Home Hydrogen@Home LHC@Home Malaria Control Orbit@Home RNA World UCT Malaria
(no ratings)
ThaOneSmutje Chat only Country: Germany (no ratings)
john.merrick Either Country: Germany (no ratings)
zauber Chat only Country: Germany (no ratings)
bert Either Country: Germany
Usual hours: 17 pm - 23 pm UTC+1 / UTC+2
Specialties: Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 7
Projects:, Hydrogen@Home, FreeHAL@home,
1 ratings
nostradamus Either Country: Germany
Usual hours: all day mez 6 pm 10 pm
Specialties: win xp prof. sp3
Projects: sethihome, einstein
300 ratings
Steven Jouanny Country: United Kingdom
Specialties: Windows Windows NT
3 ratings
Stephan Either Country: Germany
Specialties: Win 64 Extrem GiForce 220GT 1024mb 8GB DDR3 DSL 8000+ Home Network (LAN)
Projects: LHC@Home SETI@Home Einstein@Home
1 ratings
Kadir Either Country: International
Usual hours: Greenwich mean time +0 about 3pm - 10pm
Specialties: Windows mainly, boinc
Projects: Some of my own, for fun.
(no ratings)
Aurel Either Country: Germany
Usual hours: Under the week (+Sundays!) I´m only available from 20:30-22:00 MESZ. Unter der Woche (+Sonntags) von 20:30-22:00 MESZ erreic
Specialties: I´m using Linux Mint as OS. I´ make support for Windows, too. Ich nutze Linux MINT als BS, biete aber auch für Windows an.
Projects: Numberfields@home;; Einstein@home; Enigma@Home; Oproject; BURP
1 ratings
KeinPlan5 Chat only Country: Germany (no ratings)
JuliusB Either Country: Germany
Usual hours: CET
Specialties: Windows7, 10 Linux Wheezy, Ubuntu, Mint
211 ratings
daboehla Country: Austria (no ratings)
Derivator Either Country: Germany (no ratings)
NickBanking Country: Germany (no ratings)
naiboo Country: None (no ratings)
fredlllll Either Country: Germany
Usual hours: GMT+1
Specialties: Windows
(no ratings)
ALF Either Country: Switzerland (no ratings)
SmaiMa Country: Germany
Specialties: Win
(no ratings)
Barnypok Either Country: None
Usual hours: cYdRzp
Specialties: cYdRzp
Projects: cYdRzp
(no ratings)
Denny K Either Country: Switzerland (no ratings)
Quaternion Country: Germany (no ratings)
werner von zeppelin Either Country: Germany (no ratings)
ä Country: Germany (no ratings)
Mr.Rosendahl-Saleem.Bela Chat only Country: United States
Usual hours: Weeend24/7
(no ratings)
Helmar Albrecht Country: Austria (no ratings)

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