
click for info
BoincSpy Views BOINC project statistics
CPDNSpy Stats/Benchmarkprogram. Only for CPDN!!!
SQL Setup for BoincSpy Stores Workunits into SQL database
BOINC Client Configuration Windows GUI for editing the client configuration file
TThrottle TThrottle throttles CPU usage to keep its temperature below a limit you select.
SETISpirit SETIspirit is free add-on tool for SETI@home users which provides information about the tasks, the SETI@home project status, workunits and credits, statistic charts and a detailed sky map.
SETI@home-MapView SETI@home-Mapview creates skymaps for the BOINC projects SETI@home-II, Einstein@home and Astropulse.
SETI@BOINCWatch(.NET) A SETI@Home/BOINC client watcher! User statistics powered by BOINCStats. But now built with the .NET environment.
BOINC Monitor A desktop gadget that shows the status of running tasks
ThreadMaster Control max CPU usage and prevent overheating (not specific to BOINC)
SETI@BOINCWatch(.NET 2.0) A SETI@Home/BOINC client watcher! User statistics powered by BOINCStats. But now built with the .NET environment.
SETI@BOINCWatch A SETI@Home/BOINC client watcher! User statistics powered by BOINCStats
BoincTasks An advanced and powerful BOINC GUI
BoincLogX BoincLogX creates detailed log files for all BOINC projects.
BoincView Advanced BOINC manager for networks
BOINCcalculator Show details of CPDN jobs
BES Control max CPU usage and prevent overheating (not specific to BOINC)


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boincctl Script to start boinc at boot time.
Diet BOINC A no-graphics, lightweight XScreenSaver compatible alternative for BOINC screen saver
boinctop top like view of boinc status
CPU limiter Limits the CPU usage (good for laptops)
BOINCTail BOINCTail displays the status of jobs running in the BOINC environment in a 'tail-like' way.
MultiTail Multitail shows several simultaneous tails in different curses windows.
BOINC Monitor Plasmoid to show BOINC status on the KDE desktop
BoincTasks An advanced and powerful BOINC GUI (requires Wine)
Boinc bash script Boinc state displayer
KBoingMgr A Linux/KDE replacement for the standard BOINC Manager
rc.boinc (Slackware) rc.boinc - Slackware Startup Script
boinctui Fullscreen text mode manager for BOINC
SETI@Boinc Tracker SETI@Boinc Tracker is a GUI Client for Tracking Boinc CLI Client!
BOINCprog A BOINC project progress monitor
Boinctray A system tray application for monitoring the BOINC client
boinc-suse Init script for SuSE 9.2 and 9.3
BOINCSTAT Command line view of BOINC status


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BOINCMenubar 2 Mac GUI for BOINC
SETI@Boinc Tracker SETI@Boinc Tracker is a GUI Client for Tracking Boinc CLI Client!
Seti Check Revolutions Boinc state displayer. Only for seti@home!
BoincTasks An advanced and powerful BOINC GUI (requires Wine)
BOINC Statistics Lets you check BOINC stats from the Mac OS X Dashboard
CPDNSpy Linux/Mac Stats/Benchmarkprogram. Only for CPDN!!!


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BoincTasks Mobile BOINC graphical interface for mobile devices (Android, iPhone, iPad)
AndroBOINC BOINC graphical interface for Android devices

Web browser toolbars and plugins

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BOINC Statistics Shows your statistics for any BOINC project (requires the Yahoo! widget engine)
BOINC User Statistics Widget Widget displays statistics for BOINC projects (requires the Yahoo! widget engine)
BOINC Server Status Yahoo! widget adds the BOINC Online Scheduler image to your desktop.
SAH User Statistics An extension for Firefox (works only with 1.0 to 1.5; may work under Mozilla) that displays your stats for SAH

Web applications

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BOINC Milestones Facebook application that posts credit milestones in your Status
GOINC GOINC: A Google homepage module for keeping tabs on BOINC.
Forum signature showing jobs in progress A PHP script that generates a forum signature showing jobs in progress
Boinc LCS Shows the current state and other information from an unlimited number of BOINC clients connected to the Internet.
SETI@home/BOINC progress status Show your SETI@home/BOINC progress on your homepage
BoincPHP5-GUI Monitor and control Boinc from a web browser
Progress Thru Processors Facebook-based interface to BOINC